
How did you find out about the pay disparity, word of mouth?
It’s sickening reading this.

My sister asked for a raise at work and they told her to bring them a competing salary bid from another company. My sister was floored. She demanded to know why she shouldn’t just go work in the place that will pay her more off the bat.

Well if I asked my employer to match an offer I received because I’d rather stay the response would be “No thanks, we can’t do that. Good luck” which is translated as “We’ll find someone else who will work for less than you are currently.”

Yeah, flight risks are walked out here because we're seen as a risk to trade secrets they don't even give us access to.

VERY true - and some companies and/or bosses can be vindictive - so use with caution.

When I got near my four-year anniversary at my job, I asked for a raise. Heard nothing for a month, while offering gentle reminders every week and a half or so. They knew it was urgent, that I was barely surviving on my pay after insurance premiums kicked in. Six weeks after asking for a raise, I was offered another

I gotta say I was impressed with his bravery since it was mostly women but then I realized it wasn’t bravery it was closer to stupidity.

Advice needed: How DO you dodge the question, when they go fishing for your last salary / range requirements? I’ve never wanted to answer that question, but.... I’m a terrible interviewer, and I always crumble in person when it’s asked to my face, I can’t help being truthful.

This is evil and I like it...

I’m looking for a new job (not super seriously, because I’m pregnant- it will get more in depth after baby-having) because I’ve been dicked out of a raise for two years now...

Honestly, imo, this accounts for at least 50% of Hillary Clinton’s unfavorable rating, the fact that she is asking for a promotion to the highest office in the land makes her “unlikable”. Once she has the job then her favorables will go up again.

I went from a team of five to just me and when I went in and made the case for my raise, I was told I should just work overtime if I needed extra money. I went from “polite and harmless female” to “listen fucker” immediately and came back HARD on why I DESERVED a raise that was paltry compared to the amount of money

Whenever I happen to wear a blazer or generally make an effort to look formal (I work in media) my female manger ‘jokingly’ asks what interview I’m going to.

This was my big problem with the whole "lean in" thing. The idea that women hamper themselves by not negotiating or asking for mentoring or "leaning in" is so problematic in the face of studies that show that doing these things WON'T HELP and in fact are more likely to hurt. But yes, let's tell women it's their fault

“I don’t want to seem ungrateful. I don’t want to be too pushy. Maybe I’ll just say nothing and someone will just give me a raise.”

Cool—thanks. And good work advocating for yourself! I wish it wasn’t such a minefield.

Ive only been successful at getting more when I’m getting initial offers, so I can’t speak to successfully asking for a raise.

There have been actually studies on this. In general, employers (both male and female) reward male candidates/employees for negotiating, but they punish women for it. Men who negotiate are seen as strong and confident and adept at establishing their own value. Women who negotiate are seen as greedy, ungrateful

I’ve had to haggle every employer up to the average salary for my position. Not a high salary. An AVERAGE salary. They all lowball me by about 15-20k.

I wonder what the stats are for any disparity in granting raises, based on race and gender.