It’s not porn. It’s actually of him inspecting a wax figure of himself at Madame Tussauds, I believe.
Let’s all take a nice deep breath.
It’s not porn. It’s actually of him inspecting a wax figure of himself at Madame Tussauds, I believe.
Let’s all take a nice deep breath.
It’s Kate McKinnon in a “Whiskers R We” sketch from SNL. You’ll just crush harder though, I’m warning you.…
The deadliest shootings in US history were of Native Americans by the government. Please don’t erase the horrific way our government has treated the Native people.
Denver has one-
So what I got from this was that we should start smashing tampon machines. Who’s with me?
Found it on Youtube.
It’s legal for patients to have up to 75 plants under CO law.
It’s THCA and CBDA, which have strong anti-oxidant and neuro-protective properties without the psychoactive effects. Your body also is able to absorb more cannabinoids when it’s in the raw form as “the THC actually acts as a CB1 receptor agonist and your body can only absorb about 10 mg at a time.” This is one reason…
Clones are about $15 each here in Denver. Or free among some medical communities. I’m heading out the door to pick up free high CBD strain clones now.
Or he was making edibles, tinctures, infusions, etc... I’m a medical patient and besides smoking flower, I infuse coconut oil, make cannabutter, an alcohol tincture, and am picking up plants today to start juicing raw cannabis.
Just no because
1. the song’s terrible
2. the video’s some cheesy 13 year old boy fantasy
3. so many library books get licked :(
Unless you’re on a road trip where these are the only options, please try to support a local business. Most of these places are run by giant corporations that treat their employees terribly. They’re like the Walmarts of food except server minimum wage means that’s even less they have to pay people. ($2.13 an hour in…
Once a Girl Scout, always a Girl Scout. I was in from Daisies to Seniors plus a summer of camp counseling.
I refuse to even refer to him by name (especially on FB) since it contributes to his “trending”.
I’ve had my Mirena for 2 and a half years. I love it! It has completely eliminated my period, hormonal migraines, and my previously super painful & debilitating Endo cramps. I never want kids and not having to worry I might be pregnant is fabulous. This must be what it’s like to be a dude.
She’s a terrible person who has refused to hear testimony from a chronic pain sufferer because they were taking the medication prescribed to them. She said it made them an unreliable witness. As a chronic pain sufferer myself, I can tell you I’d be a shitty witness without my meds- I’m a normal, functioning member of…
I declared early in my viewing of the series that he had a slappable face and made his appearances much more bearable by yelling “slap” each and every time he deserved it. I hope he felt it at least a little.
I am so glad you didn’t stop “bitching” and I <3 your username.
Me, I’ve had a chronic pain condition for 18 years. If I’d continued to do what the doctors told me, I’d probably have OD’ed or decided to take myself out by now. Thank Goddess For Cannabis.
Ditto. I hope she continues to be “good with it” and it never hits her how she’s been violated. But this guy is a trainwreck and is probably going to do it to other women- pretty sure it’s not his first time either.