
If you live in a medical cannabis state, check out Mary’s Medicinals CBD:THC patches. I put one on as soon as I notice feeling off and the migraine never becomes full blown. I used to have 3-4 a week. Since moving to CO & having access to the patches and other medical cannabis options, I’ve only had one in 10 months

Btw, he’s selling it exclusively through LivWell right now, which is known as the Walmart of Weed here in Colorado. Their product is pretty schwaggy (not quality cannabis) and they’ve gotten caught using banned pesticides on their plants in the past. There is now a class action suit against them from a group of

Typo in the second paragraph- “groped her she was passed out”.

I’ve had my Mirena for over two years. It has completely eliminated my horrendously painful Endo symptoms, hormonal migraines, and periods. I was talked out of it on three separate occasions by Planned Parenthood doctors and finally demanded to try it when my Endo became debilitating. In addition to medical cannabis,

I read this as “baked as a muffin”- both ways work. ;)

I love my Mirena! I’ve had it for almost two years now and already intend to get another IUD when this one’s time is up. It eliminated my debilitating Endometriosis symptoms, hormonal migraines, and periods entirely. It hurt a bit during insertion but not more than Endo cramps. It’s one of two health miracles in my

I was talked out of it 3 times by different Planned Parenthood doctors, all saying it wouldn’t fit because I’d never had children. The dang thing is the size of a paperclip. I finally got a Mirena almost 2 years ago and it is a fricking miracle. My debilitating Endo symptoms are 100% gone and hormonal migraines are

Here in Denver, I’ve found most to be useless. I’ve made stronger edibles myself with stems than the ones that claim to be made with activated hash oil or other concentrates. I have a legit medical need and can’t afford to buy something that doesn’t work at all.

I’ve waited tables for over 20 years and without being familiar with their menu, I knew what the Boof Fallowing was right away.

I agree. I’m blue now at 34. What if I get hit by a bus tomorrow and had never taken the chance to find out how awesome I look with blue hair? My wardrobe is similarly colorful.

You don’t have to lie to skip the line. They let you order online. I’ve ordered from the parking lot before and still got my food ahead of 50% of the people who were queued.

You’re missing an “a” in Miami-Dade County.

I always have this quote in my mind while I read these- "There are a lot worse things to be than a waitress & you're already most of them." -Echo on Dollhouse

In Georgia, concealed carry is now legal in bars and churches. How any responsible gun owner thought passing that law was appropriate, I'll never know, but that's one of many reasons I moved out of that state.

That should say "Roswell", not Rosewell. Roswell is a suburb of Atlanta and my hometown.