
People just love “proving” that vegans are fakes and hypocrites, and that veganism is unrealistic, because it helps them feel better about contributing to the evils of the meat industry, I guess. I tend to treat all antagonism against vegans as projection of people’s doubts about their own lifestyles. Why else would

We can’t shut up about it because no one else will shut up about it. The only time I ever mention it is during big meals with loads of people and I might mention to the host that I’ll bring a few dishes as well because I’m vegan. No problem! At extended family functions over the holidays - I couldn’t even enter a room

mention being vegan once in direct response to something that makes absolute sense in context= you’re a blathering asshole giving a lecture. Ok.

I don’t see why it would count as “not vegan” if the being was voluntarily and enthusiastically giving you the products of their body anyway. No one is being killed or tortured in the process and there isn’t a negative impact on the environment. So yeah, that argument is kinda bullshit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I agree. But making specific reference to someone you don’t know about them performing a specific sex act is asshole behavior.

I could tell you weren’t arguing! I made the switch to almond milk and didn’t notice the difference in my coffee after a few days. There’s the ethical treatment angle and the how much space, water, food are you using to sustain dairy cows angle, too.

And for that matter, eggs are a by product of life for female birds. Chickens lay eggs like clock work, regardless of fertilization. I get the vegan stance on dairy - a cow left on her own will eventually stop producing milk, so there is an element of intervention/exploitation required to obtain milk for human

I think his argument was that placenta is the only form of flesh that can be consumed without killing an animal (because it is naturally expelled during birth). This argument doesn’t take into account mammals that naturally eat the placenta after the birth (cows do this), but that was the overall gist.

My girlfriend has a strong opinion on this. The cows are inseminated to produce milk and inseminated again so that they constantly produce milk. Like, they’re kept pregnant their entire lives so the teets don’t run dry.

This is so true. Plus I think if I ate meat now I’d have massive digestive issues. Ethically I think it’s best not to waste the meat but I think I would – or more likely get my friends to eat them.

Ugh, my senator responded to my concerns citing an”unfair tax burden”being used to fund the ACA. Type 1 diabetes is an unfair burden, Toomey. You actually having to pay taxes so other people DON’T FUCKING DIE doesn’t even come close. Fuck I hate him.

This makes sense to me, as someone who was vegan for 5 years—also to reduce environmental impact. If that meat is already cooked and about to go into the trash, I wouldn’t be violating my dietary ethics by eating it. In fact, by ordering the correct meal, I’d be making more waste. I love cuddly animals and shit but I

True. Goes along with the philosophy sometimes called “freeganism”: eating non-vegan items out of the trash, basically, to reduce waste and not contribute to the meat industry. I don’t see a problem with it, except that it invites vegetarian-haters to pop in and accuse you (and implicitly all vegetarians) of being a

They were able to get the day off from working TGIFridays to perform at this? Hmmph.

Tiffany is not invited. There can only be one First Lady Daughter.

You know, right? Kinda unheard of. Maybe he’ll change his mind, telling musicians he’s paying them with the “exposure”

fake news

donald trump paying someone for work?

This is the trending story on FB? Really, America? Not the fact that the ACA will be repealed thanks to the 227 assholes we call House Republicans?

...In that case, eating human placenta, which was just going to plop out and exist anyway, shouldn’t disturb that practice.