
What are journalists? You mean news celebrities?

I remember when journalists used to investigate a story BEFORE releasing it to the public.

I hope they install that clown bed from The Simpsons in the Lincoln Bedroom and lock him in there every night.

Look up the Wenatchee Child Sex Abuse case if you really want to see the paranoid ramblings of a single sheriff drag an entire town and generation screaming off the rails. It’s horrifying.

yeah I love a good conspiracy theory but pizzagate was hard to get into even on a hate-reading level because it was actually so confusing and ridiculous. there are so many layers of bullshit and different people being dragged into it with such weird proof, trying to follow it is impossible. And thats when I realized

Pizzagate was really weird from the start. A worldwide pedophile ring run by John Podesta and the “Demoncrats”. And it was all over reddit and ytube. One vid on the Alex Jones channel just kept showing pictures of gold statue that was supposedly owned by podesta, that had no head, and then compared it with a

The Planet Money podcast just did an episode in which they tracked down one of the guys who writes those fake news stories, including the one about the supposed Clinton email investigator’s suicide. He said that he originally also posted stories designed to appeal to liberals, but the articles would almost immediately

I am 100% certain that he assumed their would be a big door with a sign on it saying, “Top Secret Dungeon!!!”.

Well how else is he supposed to liberate the children?

It amazes me how incredible stupid people are allowing themselves to be. They want so desperately to have reasons to hate the Clintons that they believe some ridiculous story for freaking 4chan.

Let’s add a few more layers of stupid. He believed the best way to investigate a crime is to walk in guns blazing. Like an episode of sherlock on meth.

Of course, he didn’t think that, he thought he was already right and would find evidence to prove it.

At least he was able to get a gun thank god

“Pizzagate” is a bizarre conspiracy theory. I heard a bit about it online a little while ago, so I Googled it. I ended up on this page detailing the “conspiracy” and it legitimately looked like the ramblings of a paranoid schizophrenic. I don’t mean that to be insulting - there seemed to be something truly wrong with

Michael Flynn, Trump’s pick for national security advisor, tweeted about this crazy conspiracy theory. Flynn’s son is tweeting today about how this is a fucking false flag.

I wish I could say that I didn’t see this coming. There is a rot in this country and I am not sure what it will take to get rid of it. That we have elected an individual who actively harness the power of conspiracy theory to pursue his agenda (which goes much beyond the “political” given his deeply rooted

Okay. This is a couple of miles from me. I visit that shopping area a lot. It’s bad enough that the orange wanna be despot is moving into the WH, but now this region has to deal with delusion people coming here to act on shit that is blatantly false.

We’re about to have a conspiracy theorist running around in the White House.

This story just proves how stupid hatred can make you. This man honestly believed that a random pizza shop was a front for a child sex ring on the behalf of Hillary Clinton. A story that is fucking ridiculous to anyone with a half a brain, but because it involves Clinton this Klan wannabe was ready to go on a crusade.

This is what happens when you feed delusion.

I do the same thing.