
I can only imagine the huge number of ISR assets directed at the DPRK right now. Where’s my Fred Thompson meme brigade at?

“Hey, ISIS! Your dudes have small penises”

no random picture dumps please

Don’t let logic get in the way of scaremongering

I wasn’t aware that humanity created elemental titanium. in fact I’m pretty sure it was around long before humans ever walked the earth, or in fact the earth ever existed.

“To make use of the newly developed heat exchanger, the Alfa plant had to move water rapidly through its many loops and baffles. This required a high-pressure pump which accounted for one hundred fifty pounds of the total system pressure—almost ten times what was considered safe in Western reactors. With the pump so

Ryan, Shome thingsh in here don’t react well to Bulletsshhhhhh!

Please read the actual article before commenting. Thanks

To be fair, people laugh at Bernie for a lot of reasons.

I’m in! Think of the applications. Man what I wouldn’t give to install these on America’s northern border. Fucking Canadian immigrant scum!

“I don’t mean to be that guy complaining in the greys”

Isreal should just connect sewer pipes to the tunnels.

But Hamas, the Palestinian group that rules over Gaza,

It’s the same sort of noise you’d hear from either a bunch of small desert creatures eking out a new home under your basement

Hey what’s that noise under the house?

Somewhere, a radio operator just say a B1 and B52 escorting a honey bee...

unlike these American Sturgeons in Korea

The UN disagrees.