Let’s be real here. The fact there’s an associated map isn’t the reason D.Va gets extra attention.
Let’s be real here. The fact there’s an associated map isn’t the reason D.Va gets extra attention.
Too many.
Placing Link’s Awakening before the Oracles makes sense, to me at least. Waking up from his acid trip, washing back onto familiar ground and resuming his heroic duties sounds about right. Just sticking BotW at the end though is kinda missing the point.
I wouldn’t mind this policy of Nintendo’s were it more logically consistent. Why are they saying Switch is a home console and 3DS is the marketable, portable one, yet releasing all future Pokemon games on the Switch with the explanation that it’s portable enough for sharing?
I really enjoyed the Octopath Traveler demo and am waiting for an opportunity to spend the crazy Switch game price on it. But to me, a former A-level English and undergraduate linguistics student, the pastiche of disused and misused English dialects was a bit cringey. Chunks of 14th-century Chaucerian, 16th-century…
“Live service” remains a huge red flag for me. It strikes me as a terrible way to tell a detailed, personal story, which makes it alarming that it’s the route they’re taking with Dragon Age 4. I’ve enjoyed some stuf from the “Destiny model”, but it’s so expensive for so little material that I can’t imagine Bioware’s…
I don’t think there’s any douby the Xbox 360 is historically important, as much due to Sony’s screwups as well as its own successes. That was also the era in which shooters truly began to thrive on console, and Microsoft built its controller and its exclusives around them.
I came into this kind of wanting to disagree with you, but I think you’re right. Don’t get me wrong, I think SC’s characters are great, and largely they have great character design. To use an example, Taki is one of my favourite characters—and she’d still be one of my favourite if she didn’t sport her signature…
There are plenty of non-violent AAA games around across various genres, but very few of those make any statement about violence itself.
Yeah. Why am I not stuck behind a cyclist?
I like Assassin’s Creed. I like RPGs. I like ancient Greek history. I like stories and romance. I couldn’t be happier with the premise. Now, Ubisoft Quebec, all you need to do is execute!
This. The “gunfeel” was actually something I much preferred in Andromeda over Destiny. Guns in MEA are distinctive, punchy and fit into a variety of gameplay styles, taking good lessons from ME3. Destiny’s guns and enemies felt very generic to me, a big contributor to its short lifespan in my rotation.
Avenatti better be careful this doesn’t turn into blackmail.
Good article — I loved New Vegas, and exploring Vaults like 11. But the takeaway is all wrong. There’s nothing positive about Vault-Tec putting its residents through a lethal social experiment, and nothing to suggest that the creators’ intentions were noble. The vault dwellers were baited and switched from a supposed…
I liked Origins, but my problem with it is that every mission boils down to “infiltrate this fort and steal/murder/rescue something”. For all the splendour there’s astonishingly-little variety. I’m also not fond of the new levelling system gating off areas even for players who’d prefer to just do the story, because…
For all of its problems, I hope Kingdom Come does well. I love ambitious RPGs like this and I think there should be more of them. Unfortunately Bethesda are dragging their heels with Elder Scrolls, EA is executing its best plans to ruin Bioware and there’s little word on where CDPR and Cyberpunk 2077 are at. It’s a…
Is this going to be a Microsoft timed exclusive again?
I loved this game so much. Messing around in The Frozen Wilds right now, an extra dose of the good stuff.
Destiny 2 was my first Destiny game (PC player) and I went in hoping for a nice deep and expansive game i could get dozen of hours out of. I enjoyed my first couple of weeks with it, revelling in the gorgeous environments and the space opera trappings. Having a couple of friends to burn through the story with…
Been dabbling around in Stellaris post-2.0 update, partially to see if it’s worth playing online with friends and partially to confuse my Endless Space 2-hungry brain. I’m enjoying the changes overall, but found the early game to be a strangely passive cycle of building spaceports and waiting to have enough influence…