
Wow, okay, staying out of the politics on this one. But Vavra isn’t wrong when he says Medieval Europe was a world of caucasians. It was also a world in which popular opinion drove Britain to officially expel all its Jews. If trying to depict a non-ideal world that doesn’t conform to our modern standards is a while

I’m not going to pretend that I follow The Walking Dead, but if I did I’d be really uhappy that your headline spoiled it for me. From an entirely different Kinja site no less.

It works for me. I’m digging the new aesthetics, and while the pathing is weird the gameplay still holds up I think. You’re right that there’s not a lot dividing this from AoE2 though, and most of the better differences fall on AoE2's side of the line. Still, I think the notion that newer games with more modern

You might have to stick to babies on tricycles with shotguns, then.

I love Inquisition, but looking back on it I see that it was the first in a continuing trend of “open world” games that arbitrarily gated your progress until you’d done enough of the side activities. I didn’t mind this because I was engrossed in the world and the lore, but I’ve kept hitting that mechanic in the

And it’s not like Google and Apple aren’t collecting and selling your location and browsing data.

Would be so simple to just have an exit save.

That’s a lot of great insight!

Yes, the BBC coverage is partisan. You should hear them when rugby’s on. Or John Inverdale when there’s women’s tennis; yeuch.

I caught some of the men’s event yesterday. Very good stuff. I can’t believe the committee threw the event under the bus like that.

We’d love to have Mrs. Morffi come work in the UK. My wife works in a small Catholic primary school where three members of staff, including the headteacher, are happily married to their same-sex partners. Teachers are in demand and someone who can make pupils want to work hard for them, like it seems Mrs. Morffi can,

Is this expansion worth its staggering price tag? Or am I better off sticking to Endless Legend?

Where I fall out with Civ specifically is that it’s pretending to be a historical game, but my Indians can build the Pyramids of Giza and Oxford University, and are being led by Gandhi four thousand years before he’s supposed to be alive. My brain doesn’t seem to like that. I’ll generally prefer to play either

About three years worth of PS Plus in various 1- and 3-month increments, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, Infinifactory, Shadow of the Colossus pre-order, Burnout Paradise, and around eighteen thousand Uncharted points.

I think the crux of my mistake was that I tried bluetoothing the controller to the PC before just using the cable. If you just plug it in via a standard USB-microUSB cable, and keep your finger the hell away from the PS button, you should be able to use it normally without repercussions. Still, I’m making sure my

Yeah I’m trying. Their website has been fighting me though and their phoneline is closed, so I’m going to have to wait til tomorrow. The standard refund policy seems to be within 14 days as long as it hasn’t been downloaded or streamed. So if there’s a bright side to this, it’s that I’m no longer on the fence about

I tried the DualShock 4 on the PC version of this today. Unfortunately it was still bluetoothed to my PS4, and for all the inputs I made on two and a half hours of Zodiac Age my PSN charged my card £270 in wallet funds and Playstation Plus subscriptions. Now I’m completely fucked and I don’t know what to do.

Has any player of games ever stopped and thought: man, that publisher’s been a bit scummy lately, but they got really good metacritic scores this year!

I’ve kinda got the hots for Rill Kata.

Not spiking the controller after a fighting game match is pretty much how I knew I’d become more adult than kid.