
This is a good weekend, as my lovely wife saw fit to buy me a PS4 for Christmas (and a Pro at that). That means I’m alternately coursing my way through a few things I haven’t been able to try without one; namely Horizon Zero Dawn, Assassin’s Creed Origins and the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy.

Amateurish. The DX version of Link’s Awakening had a dark grey cartridge.

From what I understand (and I am in no way an expert) STD screening is a bit more lax in male/male gay porn than it is in male/female porn, perhaps owing to the tendency to use condoms in gay porn (again, I have no citations for this, happy to be corrected). If such an actor does straight porn (in which condom use is

Are you kidding? I’m obviously not talking about his grammar or his accent.

Dallying with my third Wild Hunt playthrough, a bit of Pokemon Ultra Sun, and Battlefield 1. Would be playing Destiny 2, but after a month and a bit I seem to have been locked out of what endgame content there was. Might be time to hit ME3 multiplayer again. I need a new thing!

Wow this guy sounds like a moron. Shame, I liked Brothers.

Given the success of competitive fighters in recent years, though, I wouldn’t be surprised to see SCVI aim down that route.

You have MGS3 on five different systems and you think porting it to a sixth will make you play it? Face reality, Mr. Hamilton.

Thankfully this isn’t a Battlefront-level cockup. I see nothing untoward in this instance, other than failure to disclose the exact nature of the xp system. Very glad to see they’ve fixed it to face value though.

People have a point! Making it too easy to find shinies devalues them. Finding one now isn’t the same as finding one a couple of generations ago.

I kinda think The Simpsons just needs to die now anyway. It’s lost some important voice actors, sure. But more than that it’s been well over a decade since it was actually funny, and I’m not sure it’s culturally relevant anymore. Does anyone remember when instead of bad caricatures and flat pop culture references, The

Guzma is undoubtedly a great character by Pokemon standards, and Team Skull are very enjoyable “villains”. But all the important stuff to know about them is kinda on the surface. Guzma’s possible domestic abuse; the graffiti-soaked, walled ghetto of Po Town, etc. It’s obvious that something messed up is going on to

You could do that before. The difference is that as well as having a button in the menu you can also hit Y to save once you’re there. So it’s a quicksave insofar as there’s an extra button for it now.

I don’t even think lack of awareness is EA’s problem. It’s that they don’t care. Whatever we think and say on Reddit, Battlefront II is still going to sell millions and make hotcakes on its lootcrate system. Knowing this, I sometimes wonder if it doesn’t simply amuse them to be passive-aggressive on social media.

Leaving the progression systems aside for one second, I’d just like to express some lamentation that EA/DICE have gone for the arcadey feel again, according to you. I get that they want to keep it fairly casual and accessible to everyone, and appreciate that some effort has been made to diversify combat roles, but is

Agreed. The voice of a community won a victory today. Next time let’s prove it can be done with one hundred percent civility.

Ugh enough with the god damn Metacritic incentives. Does EA really think numbers on that site accurately represent a game’s quality?

Stop feeding it you fools, STOP!

Am aware, did read.

It’s quite common for popular Twitch streamers to get donations like this on a fairly regular basis. Nice to be set an goal, accomplish it and be rewarded for it though.