Bayon is the coolest, most intricate temple of the whole complex. Get a wider shot if you can.
Bayon is the coolest, most intricate temple of the whole complex. Get a wider shot if you can.
I mean, you’re not wrong. I find Solas to be a tragic character. The big and obvious (and pertinent) irony is that he is prejudiced against different cultures because of how prejudiced and diferent they are. Depending on your actions, however, you can reinforce those viewpoints, cause him to question them or make him…
Jeez. And I thought all the DLC for The Sims 3 costing about £370 was ridiculous.
I don’t really mind minimaps, but I get what you’re saying. In GTA IV I spent most of my travel time with my eyes glued to the bright lines pointing to the next objective.
I have to wonder if this “games as a service” mandate of EA’s was why they were so eager to pull the plug on Mass Effect Andromeda. Sure the reception was lukewarm, but considering the franchise’s importance to EA over the last decade and the dedication of its fanbase, they were remarkably quick to quit supporting it.…
I greatly enjoyed the level, and the timepiece worked well, but it was the only level that frustrated me with a counterintuitive solution to a puzzle (at some point you MUST get the master key from someone, and if you do it too late it’s bothersome to get another one).
I don’t suppose they could have just banned them?
I’ve been playing with Chesko’s Frostfall for five years now. I’m not about to pay Bethesda for a nearly identical effort. Give us some original content, creation club! Something modders couldn’t easily do by themselves.
Exactly what you are. Not sure how far through Dishonored 2 but I’m loving it just as much as the first game.
Was 6 any good?
Gran Turismo 5 still burns me.
Some youtubers hold semi-competitive pokemon tournaments with names and logos like this.
BF1 started out with relatively little trench warfare in its maps, preferring to focus on sprawling areas with numerous engagement points or grand setpieces like walled fortresses and ballrooms. The last couple of expansions have brought the combat inward a bit with their maps, emphasising the tactical importance of…
Jumping at last into Dishonored 2 this weekend. And it’s great!
I’m glad someone wrote an article about this. I was excited when I heard AoE IV was a thing, but less excited obviously when I heard it would be exclusive to the appalling Windows store and less excited still when I saw it was being developed by Relic, who by any measure are top-flight strategy developers.
EA’s handling of Andromeda after launch has been infinitely more disappointing to me than the actual game.
Yeah, fuck all that. Tolkien is turning in his grave.
You’ve just told me why I hate Final Fantasy XIII. It’s not just the endless corridors, or style-over-substance combat system, or even the mopey depressing characters. It’s because it puts those mopey depressing characters into mopey depressing situations. And just like that, no part of the game is fun.
Well I misread that gif...
I smell a cash grab... wait for a new review, console amigos.