As someone who’s never played FFXIV, I was thinking it was about Solid Snake with the pec window up there.
As someone who’s never played FFXIV, I was thinking it was about Solid Snake with the pec window up there.
It’s a cultural double standard that the US has been reluctant to reconcile for decades. I’m surprised that leaning is still reflected in ratings boards though.
Found that out the hard way a couple of months ago. The good news is that it’s still a lot of fun to play, and with a couple of mods it even looks good.
The BUT here is that Daggerfall’s world is procedurally generated. It may be massive, but it’s not terribly interesting.
Sub-standard performance on PC is not okay in this day and age. The “we’re surprised to hear it’s bad for some people on PC and are investigating” spiel can pretty safely be called bullshit at this point.
As a British citizen who voted to remain in the EU, I’m far more terrified of today’s outcome than June’s. UK managed to narrowly avoid a total internal political collapse; I’m not sure you guys will be so lucky.
But it’s probably in the top ten of boob simulators. Pretty great fighting game, too.
I get that you like making big, flashy, expensive games now Blizzard, but please don’t lose the plot. There are perfectly good reasons not to remake those old games but it’s not because they aren’t fun.
The test of a brilliantly-engineered game, as with a brilliantly-engineered anything, is to try to break it. Dishonored is very tough to truly damage. I never found myself in a scenario where i thought, “Shite, the devs didn’t want me to see this.” Each level is a giant sandbox with only the illusion of linearity.
I’m sorry, but that’s not funny. that’s fucking lazy.
Hello, cutie pie.
Remind me to tell you one day about my character’s marriage to Mjoll the Lioness. There were more than two in that wedding bed.
I’m not sure why you weren’t expecting half of these issues. Disappointing draw distance on consoles was nearly inevitable, as were textures on trees looking imperfect with your face pressed up against them, and those heads-through-rocks animation issues you pointed out are sadly unfixable in Skyrim’s dated engine…
“Picking daisies in Falkreath by sundown” is exactly what a dead guy would do.
An unbiased news source would be like a diamond-encrusted truffle. And it’s a relief to know that Kinja knows it.
AAArgh this or Civ VI?!
I’m facing the same dilemma. I recently picked up the expansions for Endless Legend, and it’s phenomenally good, bext 4x around in my opinion. But at the same time I have a friend who I know is leaning towards Civ and with whom I could have some decent multiplayer games.
I don’t much like popplio but it’s hardly the worst. I find the likes of crabrawler and yungoos much more bothersome. And I’m not sure I’d go so far as to call the lukewarm response “backlash”.
I’m not sure I’d say it felt like it wasn’t an Assassin’s Creed game, but the acitivities we used to associate with the series don’t work quite as well in the New World-set games. It’s just not as fun climbing some moderately-tall colonial structure as it is to climb St. Peter’s Basilica or the Campanile di Giotto.
II just edges it out for me. It had the better storyline and character involvement, and turned a pretty good concept into one of the best games of the generation. I loved Brotherhood’s multiplayer and recruitment mechanics though. It’s a close second for me; *maybe* third behind the amazing Black Flag.