
Sorry, I didn’t actually mean to post that as a reply to your comment.

Fox, nobody in the world thinks this woman is endorsed by you. Now go back to presenting rumour as fact and losing your minds over the second amendment.

I came here to say exactly this. Nobody made a fuss about Braixen. I mean, I don’t really like any of the new designs but this isn’t the reason.

Not digging the new designs so far.

Yeah, he’s leading with his arms. Nothing dirty or illegal about it.

Well, England fans will be happy.

I would posit that Overwatch is a “cultural phenomenon” in large part because it’s a Blizzard game.

Congratulations gamers! EA has successfully tricked you into celebrating the removal of customisation options.

Just in terms of visual design.

The 2016 trailer looks a bit different from the 2016 trailer.

So he is aging... only backwards!

Heh, Smiley’s been my display image as long as I can remember.

Mine should do great then. Thanks!

Looks great. I’ve had an unscratched racing itch since Studio Liverpool closed. What are the system requirements like? I’d love to be able to run something like this smoothly on a laptop.

Spore was a pretty good game for its part, it just didn’t work the way people hoped it would work. I first played it in 2011, and without the weight of expectation I found it very enjoyable. You can be extremely creative with it, despite its shortcomings, and the creature and space stages are pretty innovative and

At least it’s not raining.

I was probably too young to appreciate Tamers when it first released in the west; it wasn’t familiar and had none of the colourful characters I’d appreciated in the previous series. Going back to it years later and giving it a chance was extremely rewarding.

This is what the Survival mode of Fallout 4 (and New Vegas) does best. There’s food and there’s food: Grilled Radstag fills you up and increases your carry capacity, but when times are tough you’ll eat that two-hundred-year-old, radioactive box of Yum Yum Deviled Eggs—and lick the container afterwards.

I think MW2 gets exactly the credit it deserves. It was a glorious setpiece splat-fest before we were sick of glorious setpiece splat-fests. It’s remembered as the game that cemented Call of Duty post-4 as an industry-changing shooter.

I’ve spent time with games I just wasn’t clicking with (Red Orchestra 2 and Pillars of Eternity come to mind) well past the point of realisation. With RO2 I wanted to be able to enjoy a fairly realistic multiplayer game with a friend who loved it, so stuck with it even though I’m not remotely good enough at shooters