Zero Dawn has been the best-looking game in the show for two straight years now. I hope it’s great; i’d love for a new IP to rock our socks off.
Zero Dawn has been the best-looking game in the show for two straight years now. I hope it’s great; i’d love for a new IP to rock our socks off.
Um, cool? I enjoy seeing Gravy getting punished in cruel and unusual ways as much as the next guy, but I’m not sure this is what I was hoping for from Fallout 4's DLC. It feels a lot like stuff packs for The Sims.
How about “Valvr”? Then at least when it gets shot down mercilessly you can say it was a typo.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
Sometimes I really hate the law.
I caught it out trying to trick me into upgrading my windows 7 laptop. Scheduled update time, eh? I don’t think so!
As a not-American, all I can say is that gun availability in your country has surely killed far more people than it’s helped. And that the “right to bear arms” surely doesn’t mean people should be able to go out and buy assault weapons.
That’s a pretty big deal, given how much grinding time used to be required.
I gotta admit, I don’t really remember what the headline was.
The game does have some problems, though I love it. I don’t see how I’m ever going to raise the currency to buy that new character, who’s going for 47000 somethings in a game where a decent match might earn you 200 somethings. That’s... wow.
How would you describe Dishonored’s setting? Whalepunk?
Xbox 0.6 woooo
Am aware, I speak Japanese. But this IS going to be a problem in the UK where that vernacular is commonplace. If this is the name pre-localisation, though, you can forget I said anything.
I wanko? Oh brother...
I’m not shitting on you.
There have been a lot of things I’ve disagreed with about Obama’s presidency. The way he’s spent his final year in office going “fuck it” isn’t one of them.
This man could only have been drafted by the Cleveland Browns.
That’s it. I’m never becoming a parent.
Second favourite ^_^
Xbox One is a well-rounded console, but most of its games (save its biggest exclusives like Halo and Gears of War, which are pretty similar) also come to Windows. As a PC gamer interested in playing console titles, I feel like it makes much more sense to go for a PS4.