
Nice try Ubisoft, but this won’t be what stops Vivendi from gobbling you up like Canadian Thanksgiving turkey.


Do I really have to look at motherfucking Rotom, empirically the worst pokemon, every time I open the dex? WHY GAME FREAK

Wow, don’t shoot the messenger.

Children are dicks.

It’s not that crazy a statistic really. Not everyone in Japan plays a lot of games.

Where’s the unicorn though?

I like this game. It’s the first remotely MOBA thing I’ve tried; it rewards skill and practice and—like Borderlands—it’s a lot more fun with actual friends to play it with. Gradually getting to terms with Ambra’s unconventional playstyle has been very rewarding.

If Thomsen doesn’t like the game that’s fine, we don’t have to agree with him. This isnt his fault: it’s Metacritic’s for assigning a score based on the tone of the review; and ours as gamers for attaching value to something as arbitrary as a review score.

I was wondering just the other day what happened to this. It’s a shame that Microsoft shuttered it so soon.

I think they’re all a bit underwhelming, to be honest. Hopefully I’ll change my tune when I see a bit more of what sun/moon has to offer.

Now I’m nostalgic for Black Flag. Better go steal a brig

Doesn’t look so bad to me. They can hardly do modern military shooters year in, year out. And if you were looking for more original story ideas than “alien invasion” then, well, you’ve been playing the wrong franchise.

I wondered, from the moment i saw that duy in the teaser with the big coat collar and blue-eyed face...

Dorian and Iron Bull are probably my favourites from Inquisition, but it really was a great cast.

I asked this exact same question when I became aware of the problem, and I still do not understand it. A game whose watchword is creativity should not even be thinking about nuking levels that aren’t popular enough. That’s rarely a matter ofanything but exposure on the scale of something like Mario Maker.


This is all a joke, right?