
“When asked for comment, Eric Garner still could not breathe.”

This article is perfect. Period.

How the hell is she able to speak so clearly, without ever having heard her own voice, or others? She even nails inflection and intonation.

He can quit. He must have millions saved up by now.

The Ku Klux Klan is indeed a radicalized faction of Christianity, just as ISIS is to the Muslim faith.

Oh my God. You truly can’t be for real.

Yah. Just another day in the life of being a black man in this world. It doesn’t matter whether offline or on.

You don’t win. You just do a little better each time.

He ain’t a crook, son.

A video is worth a thousand photos.

This mission wasn’t so bad. I only got caught once, and that was at the point where he suddenly runs towards Link. Fool me once, though. ‘Cause after witnessing that, I easily just remained hidden behind trees.

Yah, it’s great. Japanese people can come to America and enjoy all the opportunities of progressing through careers in tech and the arts without (relatively much) discrimination.

Obama wasn’t retreating to his private Florida resort every weekend.

I had a genuine laugh during this scene. It was so ridiculous and brief, I ended up with nothing less than sheer enjoyment.

It’s the only option that’s needed.

Great article, though I literally skipped over reading many of their bios. You read one thing about a brooding, white man, and you’ve read them all.

Nuts to this.

Nintendo should be doing a lot of things, unfortunately.

Walking down a sidewalk playing a Switch, and especially crossing a street without even looking, is not responsible behavior.

“Look at all these blacks. I could own slaves and they would still love me.”