
Eeeeeeeek can you imagine their crunchy little feets?!?!?! I will never watch those movies the same way again.

The most horrifying part of all this was the hardening of the feet. WHY WOULD YOU WANT YOUR HEELS TO BE ALL CRUNCHY-LIKE WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO SLEEP ON YOUR NICE SHEETS?

This is a very strange reaction to this lawsuit. Producers told her she would be blurred, she wasn't blurred and you are basically telling her "too bad"?

Big cities.

Yes. That was the whole point of the comment.

I was going to reference the exact same gif for like, ALL of them.

Train station, library, at one point in a moving car. Yes.

I would have held out for a bread bowl.

I've had this happen to me so many times that I had to check myself just now because I wondered why this woman was so bothered. It is sad that you can get so used to this and that it's so prevalent.

I don't know about you but I'm going to imaginary shave my legs in anticipation of our next date!

Yeah, I was going to say something along the lines of, "I was really rooting for these crazy kids!" But no, no I wasn't. I was rooting for myself.

Listen man I am sorry for being mean. I was just acting out because it seems like all the men in my life have let me down and I was drinking last night and I get kind of angry when I drink too much and it's a bad scene. I mean there's really no excuse, I need to learn to curb my drinking and my feminist rage and stop

I'm pretty sure Mishka hates everyone and everything, but she does it in such an ADORABLE WAY.

He's so photogenic!

Oh god I love your username and avatar. LOVE LOVE LOVE

I actually really loved it when it seemed like it was more a satire of awful people I hate, but as the seasons went on the show made me sort of care a little and now I resent it for that. But I still watch, obvs, because I cannot help myself.

That is an interesting psychoanalysis!!! I will have to think about this now. Normally I don't like needy which is why this particular case weirds me out.

Ohhh well then maybe you are indeed missing out there!

Yeah he looks really insanely good. GQ always does a great job on that part of things.

It happened somewhere in the middle of season two I think. I never read Cook's recaps so not sure if that fits the timeframe...?