
I'd like to see less snarking on specific Photoshop spreads and more in-depth, retrospective type stuff with regard to image editing. When you guys focus on a specific—usually not as conventionally attractive—woman in these articles I feel you are doing more harm than good. I think the pieces should be more about the

You need to take this back right now.

I kind of love her style in general, although those shoes are terrible with the dress in this particular outfit. It's like Boogie Nights meets bubble-gum.

I'm sure it will be. I am embracing that fact!

Exactly. It is to be enjoyed like Sex and the City—heavily drunk!

These books are terrible and the author is terrible and everything about this project makes me want to run screaming...except Jamie Dornan, who is sex on a stick. Ergo I will pay my $15 for a ticket at the nice theater on opening weekend and I will eat my popcorn and drink my soda and I will contribute to this

Here, I couldn't stand it any longer so I looked it up:

Isha, hi.

Why don't you have some coffee and take a few deep breaths?

I think so. It moves really slow, though.

Before I read that this was fan made I got pretty worried, as the teaser was doing nothing to dispel my fears that they're just going to rip off Carnivale.

Well, yeah. That's kind of the point of trolling, which is why you shouldn't even dignify it with a response.

They are so much better than the Gaga kid! I could watch this all day!

I have literally never been inside a Wendy's. All my interaction with them has been drive-thru. (Blew my mind when I realized that just now.)


Yeah their fries suck as well. The whole thing makes me so sad.

Regarding Wendy's...They changed their menu a few years ago and the food is shit now. That ranking is justified.

Did you dismiss my comment from before? Notice how this statement of yours has zero stars, bud.

This statement is mind-boggling.

Your username tho. <3