No, you know what causes sexual assaults? PEOPLE WHO SEXUALLY ASSAULT OTHER PEOPLE. Go fuck yourself.
No, you know what causes sexual assaults? PEOPLE WHO SEXUALLY ASSAULT OTHER PEOPLE. Go fuck yourself.
That's a whole separate thing. I have a lot of friends w/DUI's so my opinion is going to be extremely biased here. There is a thing called a felony DUI which I think it stands to reason should remain on record as it often involves a lot of vehicular damage and/or human casualties. The other DUI's, I'm not so sure…
Sorry, but I am thinking about individual cases here where it has ACTUALLY helped me and people I know so my mind isn't going to change on this.
I don't really want to go into this in detail here but there have been several occasions in my life and the lives of my friends where a Google of someone's name (and the results therein) saved a lot of grief and confirmed suspicions that otherwise would have gone unchecked and probably could have resulted in something…
I think that information regarding perpetrators of violent crimes or crimes of a sexual nature should be left in perpetuity, yes. Drug offenses or DUI's? Meh.
This sucks but 1. do your research before you go and 2. 650 mb is a LOT of data. I think I use like 250 a month or something.
I really didn't mean it like that. I just miss him! Waaaah.
Yeah I don't think Marsden looks old enough to play the 20-years-later version of anybody, to be honest. Walker had that weathered look about him that it appears whoever that kid is playing the younger version has even at his age. Terrible casting!
Paul Walker, apparently. :(
Also, the late actor Paul Walker was originally cast as the lead in this movie. After he passed away, Marsden stepped into the role.
Yeah they can both get it. Whooooof. *fans loins*
Get out.
I saw that this morning and almost had a heart attack at my desk. I cannot stop staring at him ALL THE TIME. Like, it's keeping me from being a productive human.
I still prefer "I Knocked Up Satan's Daughter" but diff'rent strokes.
I honestly wouldn't say it's "mostly" written by women but the audience thing is completely true. But yeah this is basically that whole thing where women's interests are "silly" or "unworthy" somehow simply because. It's infantilizing and stupid.
I love you so much for this, Mark. Forever <3 <3 <3
I'm hoping that's because it was "just" the primary.