
Yeah this analogy is beyond disgusting. Equating an eating disorder to mass murder is an action that makes me wonder whether something is wrong with OP himself.

This smells incredibly suspicious to me. That interview was like a bad improv.

Guilty! That is an actual photo of me after a particularly fateful meal at Taco Bell.

I...kind of want to know what happened after this. I mean do competitive eaters just basically pass out for 72 hours after this sort of thing? If I eat more than like 4 slices of pizza I am pretty much unconscious.

Yeah two days ago I got "you care enough to tweet the hashtag but you don't care enough to teach little old me about feminism" argument. I was like, "No, I actually DON'T give a fuck about you dude; you're derailing the conversation. Go read the Google and GTFO of my face."

Since Saturday I have been completely dismissive and unwilling to speak with anyone who challenges me even in the slightest about any of this. I'm not sorry about it either.

I think it's bullshit that we're all being made to feel so hopeless and angry about all this. I don't even really have anything else to add. I just think it's fucking bullshit.


It's cathartic too!

Yeah I saw that toolbag, he's the reason I posted my comment. :D

Don't feed the trolls, people. They don't deserve to derail this conversation. This post is important and we don't need to be sullying our hands with #notallmen whiners right now. Please and thanks.

Ha! I'm not a huge fan of parrots in general so a parrot filled with espresso would probably not be my favorite thing either. :)

I wasn't aware of that. I mostly just Google image search for this stuff.

link doesn't work

double post

I'm kind of conflicted about this. I know the lady checked with her vet but I've read stuff that caffeine is bad for animals, particularly the ones with high metabolisms like birds. Don't even ask me why I was reading about that. Anyway, cute bird, glad its happy, kind of side-eying the owner though but feeling weird

Watch any beer commercial.