
I mean it was supposed to be a terrible pulp movie. It never took itself too seriously, which I always appreciate.

That movie was so awful but I gobbled up every second of it with glee.

She is perfection.

YESSSS. Perfect Friday jam. This song—partially because of the video—always takes me back to summer nights of yore, sneaking beer and kissing cute skater boys.

indeed. 'twas me.

Same on all counts.

That reminds me, I need to see that too.

At this point in her life and career, everything Nicole Kidman does is interesting to me.

This is my favorite username I have ever seen! That movie is one of the great forgotten 80's flicks.


Things That Burt Reynolds Would Look Cool Wearing

Who are these people who can multitask eating a monster burrito like that? The furthest thing from my mind while I'm shoving rice and bean glop in my face is having something literary to concentrate on while I do it. I am really just too busy making sure I don't end up with guacamole in my hair.

Most celebs wouldn't want to go either. Hotels don't really give a shit about whether they report anything unless it becomes a "big deal" news-wise because first and foremost hotel companies are concerned with the confidentiality of their celebrity guests. As are the celebrities. And the hotels want them to keep

My only response to this is vindication that someone else more important than me got fucked over by the Standard Hotel chain AND NOW THEY WILL PAY.

I'm pretty sure I fell asleep in the shower this morning for like 2-3 seconds. Luckily I am not dead as a result but any day now.

This is me every single day of my life thus far.

I don't do a lot of online dating because it's so much work to try to get to know a bunch of people at once—and everyone seems to be super flaky, at least here in my city—so Tinder is like my nightmare.

Yeah my little sis uses it and I'm convinced she just gets a cheap thrill out of rejecting people or something because I have never known her to actually date anyone from it.

This is the kind of thing that drives a person to start smoking weed again.