
Comfort with the cup, not your body. That's the problem with what you said. And regardless of whether blood is sanitary, it's still a bodily fluid, it still stains and you still have to wash it off lest you end up looking like Pigpen.

This is needlessly condescending toward people who don't like handling bodily fluids. You are not somehow "better" than those of us who don't want to get messy, nor are you necessarily more comfortable with your body. There's also the fact that for a lot of women, the cup is too big and/or doesn't fit or they have

I love you so much.

Because I don't want to get blood and vagina stuff all over my hands?

You know, judging by your comment history you're a male MRA in "disguise," so I'm just gonna go ahead and dismiss the rest of this. Have a great day.

The problem is that most of the decisions being made are being made by predominantly white men. So even if women wanted to create something they can't because men are telling them no. That IS sexism.

Lindy didn't write it; Us Magazine did. She just pulled a quote.

Moreso than it does Jesus, IMO.

And I will be "Josie Grossie, sometime-listener of John Mellencamp." We should all henceforth be defined by our relationship (or lack thereof) to John Mellencamp. He is the NEW Kevin Bacon, everyone. Please make a note.


Now playing

Burt, in the analogy below you are Helen Hunt and I am the scandalized old man with the white toupee.

Tangential question: Are there any places these days where a person and his or her significant other can go out dancing? I'm not talking about grinding in a club, I'm talking slow-dancing to Sinatra. Does that still happen anywhere? Because if it doesn't then it should.

This will be Ryan's first big role in years. The girlfriend of John Mellencamp

I don't know if I trust Sorkin to write a female-driven movie. C.J. aside, he doesn't exactly have a great track record (and I say this as a fan of his).

So is it going to be all about her travails in math class, or...?

Whatever. Haters gonna hate. I love this big ol' douchebag and can't anybody convince me otherwise. Plus most of this food sounds great to me. (Then again, I have been known to name Denny's as one of my favorite eating establishments.)

And it is attitudes like this that permeate the higher echelons of the industry, and are exactly why we DON'T have programming like this for women. There are plenty of us interested; it's just that predominantly white men are running the show and they can't fathom that we might.

LOVE IT. Thank you for this, I am watching all of them right now!

I'm super interested to see Colbert being Colbert himself as opposed to his character. I know next to nothing about him personally, so this will be kind of neat. I of course think his character on his show is hilarious, but I think it will be nice to see him doing his own thing.