
Personally, and I know this is an unpopular opinion, I think the current point format is really good. Its crazy and complicated, but it works. The playoff points do a good job of making sure drivers having the best season really need to screw it up to not make it to the 2nd to last round. Look at the cushion the big

No because its Jalopnik and its cool to make fun of what you dont understand.

So, let me get this right:

There’s pictures and video of this guy and his truck at various Dump rallies, from 2016 to now, wearing a maga hat, stickers on his van. That false-flag was surely a very long con, especially as “being run as a last ditch effort to influence the mid terms”.

You make complete sense. /s

No matter ones political affiliation, anyone who tips the sticker to glass ratio or the sticker to paint ratio of a vehicle to a sticker majority has mental stability issues.

Looks like Fox news will be running a 24/24 Benghazi special over the next few days.

What about no ?

You’re just wrong.  Bumpers are hideous and photos of them should only exist to remind us of the horrors of the past so we don’t repeat those mistakes.  You have insurance.  You don’t need bumpers.

Pedant here, Torch. Technically Indian RHD cars would be Asian...

I’m confused - what about this has any relation to a Cavalier? Or is that just a witty way to say it’s a bland-looking coupe? Because I couldn’t care less what 400hp with insane aftermarket potential looks like when I’m only paying 6k for it. NP.

You do know the history of the GTO, right?

Z28 was not midrange. It was the hardcore track package.

I agree on 3, but remember that these are just package group names and most manufactures do it. Its been magazines and customers that have attached that nomenclature. I mean You can buy a Dodge Challenger SXT Plus - Leather ADX AWD (the track package, not all wheel drive).

It’s really not that difficult to see out of. 

Sounds like it went from ‘no one’s really aware of what’s happening’ to ‘holy shit this guy’s a loon’ very quickly.

“Non-Consensual Footsie”.

The scummiest people in the universe are in the towing game.

That snot real.

Sounds like the Camry driver is at fault for not slowing down to get behind the Prius, which has right-of-way. The Prius has no obligation to slow down (and it could be argued that it would be unsafe for it to slow down if they’re already traveling side by side).

Do you lack any imagination at all?

Honda B/K/J’s would be a hard swap into something like this. They’re fine for FWD and even mid-engine chassis but for RWD, they’re not a natural fit. Look at the K and J Miata’s. There’s significant parts and changes to make them work. The JZ’s are expensive to boost up beyond stock and they’re much heavier than an