
All sad stories for me.

That was my worry on the couple Wranglers I’ve had. I always just left it unlocked. I’d much rather someone open the door to rummage through than slash my windows. Especially the tinted plastic windows I had on a TJ!

I love the Caprice steelies! Though I’m happy to have no winter to put mine through. (‘15 MT6 also)

Can’t argue with that logic!

This is the right take.

Agreed, this was the first thing that came to mind. It ticks all the boxes he’s looking for perfectly. Particularly that he wants something “low key”.

True, but for Chevy I’d say Kyle Larson is reliably dominant at the 1.5 mile tracks... and despite not having a W this year, Chase Elliot is usually always near the front on these tracks as well. It just felt like Toyota had a general advantage all year.

I agree with the majority and am just commenting to further reinforce it. Don’t trash the Alero. They’re not bad, I had one for a little while in college. It would make you a great reliable daily or, like others have said, sell it to someone who needs transportation and split the earnings with your friend who sold it

Are you letting Raph drive during this video shoot?

I was thinking that was in an attempt to help the old lady in the red... but no.

He’s looking for the “next experience” so while he mentions AWD, I think that’s not the right path for getting a different driving experience. For the most part, they still feel like FWD cars.

Was gonna make this comment too. If you want a different experience, don’t bother with AWD, just go the proper route with RWD.

I’m indifferent about the car, but the article was fun to read. Good work, Andrew.

Tom, I gave you a hard time for your recommendation on the last one of these (you’re usually on point, but not with that Infinity), but you did much better this time. Which is good, because apparently you’re the only one who seriously tries.

Came here to say this.

TBH it’s not that intrusive. The problem for me is that it only seems to happen when I’m least expecting it or not thinking about it. It happens a lot when I’m making a left turn in front of traffic... ya know, not a time when you really want to have the car lugged down, or fumbling with shifts. Thank god for low end

Mines on an SS Sedan. I was going to buy “Skip shift Eliminator” harness jumper, but hasn’t been top priority. For now I just run 1st gear harder than I need to. It doesn’t take much and admittedly, it’s hard not to :)

Okay, so not exactly an auto maker... nor is it a passenger car engine... but Cummins builds a 95L engine called the Hedgehog... which in itself, isn’t the best name, but it was so named because Hedgehogs eat Caterpillars... get it? I find it clever.

Man, I hate the CAGS... I need to eliminate mine.

I really hate to do this, but was this article edited before submission?