
First off, good review article... Now for the question. If I was in the market for a car in this category, would I be able to justify the cost of this over a Focus ST? My fiance has an ST3 Focus ST which, in my opinion, is a fantastic little “hot hatch”. It makes 50 or so less HP, but also cost considerably less.

Dude, relax. The title is clearly sarcastic, and no where does anyone claim it’s a real truck or that the Ferrari owner is jealous. Using old race cars/trucks on track days is cool regardless of your opinion of NASCAR.

Pretty convenient that the 2nd WRX was “stolen”....

Man, I would loooovvveee a manual SS wagon... maybe one day.

I see your points, I think you have valid justification for those. I agree that adjusting the radio is more common than setting/adjusting cruise, irrespective of manual vs auto transmission (I almost exclusively drive manuals as well, including my SS).

Gonna have to disagree with you here, bud. I don’t understand why you’d need to adjust the radio while doing any of the aforementioned actions anyway. More to the point though, in LHD cars, the right hand has always been used for radio controls since the radio was to the right of the driver, so it’s more intuitive.

I love the proportions of this car. That might not be an admission I’m proud of, but it’s honest.

So do we know what happened to Almirola’s car that prevented him from slowing or going low to try and avoid? Did he cut a tire or run through some oil?

Why did I have to scroll so far to find the play on words that I so desperately needed!?

haha indeed, we did usually get the better end of that deal!

HamNo, admittedly I’m never a fan of your articles and lack of objective evaluation/analysis. But I give credit where it is due, and you did a good job with this piece.

It’s sad when you have to resort to Mercer Mall as your favorite... but options are slim. Did you live in Mercer County?

I don’t have anything more useful to add that hasn’t already been said, but I’m also from Bluefield. Though I lived mostly on the VA side, it wasn’t much different. We still didn’t think too highly of Beckley. I can think of many other more “picturesque” towns. Bramwell for one.

Good choice.

I grew up in the Appalachians in VA. I’d say all through Appalachian VA, TN, NC, and SC is pretty mild weather. You get 4 seasons, but typically no serious storms. Typically Tornadoes don’t touch down or can’t last long in the hills, Hurricanes are mostly just rain storms by the time they get that far inland, no

AGREED. My God, I cannot stand listening to him rattle on incoherently, or even the sound of his voice. Gordon, however, was a welcome addition to the booth.

I’m actually impressed with how honest Audi’s marketing department is. They really understand their customer demographics.

Would I buy it? No... but I voted NP bc the price ain’t terrible and I’m hoping for NPoCP to turn the tide on these big losers lately.

haha you said what I was thinking. I just kept it simple with “douche”.

You’re not wrong about his comment being short sighted, but you’re still a douche.