
I’m thinking the Apple Car would probably start at around $7500-$10,000 or so.

Street fighter characters did this with roundhouse kicks.

Whats a shmup?

You’re figuring out NOW that nobody gives a shit about mac games?

This game was the worst Final Fantasy game ever made. You can’t make a forgettable game good with fancy graphics.

It’s not official until Dave Mustaine writes a song about it.

So where can we get install media for installing Windows 10 on a bare hard drive?

At least 60fps is possible in game. Remember Need for Speed Rivals? It was hard coded at 30fps and if you tried to change it, the game would speed up to match so you technically couldnt do it. Be happy you can at least change it. Companies have been doing this for years on PC. Thankfully they will now see their

Apple can fuck themselves regardless.

HD crap is still crap.

Chris Perkins Imma let you finish, but RC PRO AM is the greatest racing game of all time!

What is this, a shuttle for ants?!

Shittiest game ever

Trailer was absolute garbage. Glad they are shutting it down.

"What if football had fouling out? What if a player penalized five times was immediately removed from the game?"

Number one reason to not buy a Macintosh: waiting years for games.

Why are those people waiting in line for such poor products?