
I sacrifice.

Looks like shes ghost-ridin the whipp now.

Why is everyone on a quest to fuck up everything that was good?

T-Rex hitbox is huge!

$9000, non 4k monitor = automatic fail

So now I’m rollin’ down Rodeo with a shotgun, these people ain’t seen a - brown skinned man since their grandparents bought one.

Wow I finally met someone who uses Pandora!

This is Jalopnik sir. What make, model and horsepower vehicle hit these pedestrians?

Apparently after Voyager makes it home, the entire universe declares peace and nothing interesting ever happens again.

Ugh not another prequel


This post just made my entire day.

So, now I’m rollin’ down Rodeo with a shotgun these people ain’t seen a brown-skinned man since their grandparents bought one.

In Mark Hamill’s voice:

You’re right actually, sorry about the spoiler. It would be hard to comment further without saying anymore spoilers :) I really like the way they can elaborate on their ideas between comic and show. This is just another example of that. The legacy of Eastman will technically live on through Negan because of Morgan.

Morgan is the personification (as opposed to unilateral decision) of how Rick will imprison Negan rather than kill him. The very episode where Eastman teaches Morgan the way and has a literal prison cell sitting in his house should be obvious to anyone that read the comics that this will come into play later as a way

Terminator: The Burning Earth