Joshua Ryan Trout

I like Game of Thrones but I absolutely know what you mean. It's not a particularly special show to me, as someone who is really into fandom. It makes me wonder whether the whole world will watch the same great-but-not-particularly-standout Anime series someday!

My best theory is that AVC wants us to talk about the grades to generate more comments, and the best way to do that is to arbitrarily lower them.

I can't seem to help it bothering me. I know it's stupid.

When AV Club seems to have no involvement whatsoever in the fandom associated with an authentically brilliant piece of media, e.g. Twin Peaks - when I see this gem of an episode given a B like some episode of The Big Bang Theory - it makes me sad. Twin Peaks is this beautiful wonder that transcends TV, film, books,

Certain people would come here to complain about the credits being white text on black background.

I can't even see it anymore, at first it was "marked as spam[sic] click to show" … Have we considered that a comment being a better review than that done by AVC constitutes spam? That might explain things.

yes, that is the joke. what Daniel Fuller said. well, it's the ostensible joke. the real joke - & i think i speak for a lot of us - is something like: "how can i make an absolutely flawless episode of Twin Peaks reviewed incorrectly, y'know, for the fans to find funny?" (i.e. those might be lynch's thoughts) [also

if so then lynch himself seems to want to show them the door (then let them fumble trying to open it for a bit)

I don't like how their relationship is healthy and realistic. Andy should be a guy who took up baseball but now owns a bar, and Lucy should work for him as a waitress. That way, we could wonder whether or not they will mate, and also voice our opinions on whether or not they should. Plus it opens up the opportunity

someone just added a comment about being disappointed with the episode "reverting to three leggy boring electronica rock clones" at the end. it absolutely escapes me why someone who would have the ability to come up with that reaction would watch Twin Peaks; is "watch" the right word? per your 'while facebooking'

I'm happy to see a comments section filled with people discouraged to live in a world where anyone might give S03E09 a B- and refer to it as "exposition-heavy" :-)


I think we will all look back at Twin Peaks S03E08 as something that changed audiovisual arts forever; aside from that I am speechless.

thanks dowd i'll look for that!

not a scene for non-inappropriately-obsessed fans i guess. i was on the edge of my seat wondering why it appeared that jacques was tending bar.

apologies on incorrectly naming Earle, i was trying to consider so many factors while typing my pretty-useless reply. thanking you kindly for the correction Babboo! and for Secret History tidbit. after tonight's episode (s03e08) i'm just floored by the by.

A sense of dread about the possibility of meeting Dianne has been my most prominent worry regarding The Return. I felt so vulnerable when a face/voice was put to the name last week, and again while a multidimensional character was developing around it this week.

unknown. also cause unknown. on any other show we could assume they're talking about windom earle's posthumus explosive attempt on packards at the bank. but all we know for sure is that at one point audrey was alive and comatose. i thought i could be of more help when i began this comment :P

i believe the letter grades were addressed in the season premier review. but basically the idea is that it's best not to look at them for twin peaks the return.

They're a bunch of NAGGERS!