Joshua Ryan Trout

Thanking you; that is clearly the better of the two attitudes to have, I see it now.

I love Twin Peaks.

We should all strive to approach the unfamiliar with Coop's serene, nonjudgmental acceptance. Is worth saying again.

exactly! this episode was such an f-you to the viewer. i am only two episodes into series 3 but it seems like a completely different show! every episode of the first two series upset and delighted me; i felt it was the medium of film at the height of its potential! now only 120 minutes into the third season, i am not

Meowmeowbeanz did this story in the right place at the right time in the right number of minutes with the right cast etc etc etc. I can't see Community pulling off "The National Anthem" though. Is that thought good advice to the writers? Are there writers? Again, I'm confused.

Two episodes into/of season three have sucked out of me almost all the (what I thought was immeasurable) joy brought to me by the first two seasons. I'm very confused!

Not sure who will answer this, but: I loved Season One, especially episodes 2 and 1. I loved season 2 especially episodes 2 and 3. So far, Season Three has the upsetting aesthetic I love about Black Mirror with none of the heart, as I perceive it. During this episode, as soon as the phone rang, I thought "wouldn't it

Belle reminded me very much of Abbi from Broad City.

i really really loved that episode (s27e04 i think) … not only did all the jokes land, it was also a timeless tail[sic] of emotional maturity.. they should do more horror shows perhaps, it's one avenue they haven't explored in a serious manner outside of that one episode (counting sideshow bob episodes under suspense).

sometimes marge painted it (when it's funny for someone to insult it in front of her), sometimes she didn't (once she failed to discover it was called "scene from moby dick" when she needed to be inspired to write a novel about whaling (("that's never been done before![sic]))) … on a more important note, i'm kinda

Best episode of the season so far for me (i'm not //particularly// stupid, but still, what do i know!) A-, loved it.

This great episode made me 'member "Too Many Cooks" produced by adult swim. In the unlikely event that you haven't seen it, I'd highly recommend. It's easy to find.

This was a flawless episode of television. A note: I don't see much of a difference between hilarious and tragic, and I can't imagine why someone who does would be interested in this program.

I know this is stupid, but I keep wishing I could see what the season could've been if things had been such that "The Very First Gentleman" aired and things progressed from there. The math suggests that on alternate timelines, this in fact did happen. Science, please get on pulling that version of season 20 through a

Dan Caffrey, I sincerely hope you read this. I very much appreciate and look up to your work in criticism. Not to be presumptuous, but I get the feeling that you're not really having much fun with some of the South Park write-ups this year. I write this in attempt to suggest an alternative way of processing the

I'm from California and at any given time it's more likely that I am currently eating artichokes with mayonnaise than not.

I felt that key point was implied, but you're right: from response, I think we've seen that it was not inferred by everyone.

Andy talks like a recovering member berry addict during some very poignant parts of this episode. Deserves several additional viewings, will watch it again…TONIGHT! there some other software? As far as I know, there isn't any software that will work with hulu or any other Flash content system that employs DRM. It used to be that an emulator such as Wine with an open-source HAL library could allow for Firefox to read such material, but I believe — probably because almost

I very much don't want to be that guy and I even consider it a lapse in judgement saying anything at all. Really I'm just particularly interested in Dave Chapelle's work, & after a rough day, I lit up when I saw there was some extra content from his recent SNL guest spot, so it particularly bummed me out that I