Joshua Ryan Trout

I'm an interpreted REPL-based language, I'll have you know!

A note: I wasn't familiar with that story at all when I read about it here earlier. The way it was presented made it sound shocking, and although I don't believe news-ish stories relayed via social media such as discus, a) I didn't research it to find out how truthful its conveyance here was & b) Naturally then, I

I think actorvious was just trying to put forth an idea to help us understand something very nuanced. We're probably not going to get anywhere if we snap at one another's attempts to understand and communicate methods of understanding.

I feel like one shouldn't so haphazardly mix cynical sarcasm and sincerity while criticizing the haphazard mixing of sincerity and cynical sarcasm.

I really, really want to talk to some Trump supporters. I just haven't been able to find them! On a bulletin board I frequent, someone in the anonymous section wrote that as a Trump supporter, he felt afraid to reveal himself. I hope that will not be the case here (or anywhere). Let's remember PC Principal's speech at

I love your work Caffery, but the idea that comedians have caught some sort of lucky break with Trump is pretty well-rebuked by the writing community. Sam Bee did a minute or two on the idea. I would argue that making the President-Elect situation funny is much more difficult than any normal situation. South Park

That I wish we could watch it.

I don't think the concern is as irrelevant as that. It's possible we don't use disqus in large numbers, but Linux users do indeed comprise a very sizable portion of content consumers.

It's not that I won't watch hulu. It's that I can't. I work in computer science, and in most areas of the field, you can't run Windows or OSX. I'd love to watch hulu, I'd probably buy a subscription (I have subscriptions to netflix, funimation, etc - all of which use up-to-date technology).

I know this doesn't go here, but tonight's South Park was so good. After last week's assumed scramble to complete an episode to air, I am so happy to see (in "Members Only") that the story is still on track and the show is funnier than ever. Can't wait for the AVC review!

Stone compared Parker to Eddie Van Halen, saying if he were gone, you could still call it Van Halen, but…

This entire anthology cycle felt heavily-influenced by the work of the late Wes Craven. I really enjoyed it.

I can't watch hulu because I run GNU/Linux which is only compatible with technology that isn't self-encumbering.

i've been working on various possibilities to filter out that annoyance with a script, so my web browser looks for it and removes it from sight. no luck yet. av club, please just get rid of it, the amount of traffic it generates can't possibly be worth how lame and intrusive it makes you.

I hate bringing up politics where they aren't necessarily the intended topic but, yes! I felt exactly the same way watching this, like certain people (in a certain basket) might watch this and say "but Shakespeare wasn't Asian!" and it's like "Yup, //that's// the aspect of the story you find odd."

Well I was certainly wrong! I can't wait to see what next week's episode will be, and how Lee will be handled by the police, and the world.

Oh yes it could, thanks for correcting, slipped my mind!

I was thinking about that.. Either Lee or Audrey has to die according to Chapter Six which tells us that only one of the cast makes it out. Since we end up having the tape of Lee confessing to the murder of Mason - and I assume that's her real reason for wanting to return to the Polk's place, to destroy it - I'm

I'm super on-board with this season, but this episode did indeed feel like padding. Even the scenes that felt necessary were too long. It felt like I was waving goodbye to Shelby for a full minute from the moment it becomes clear she's about to commit suicide to the lifting of the knife.

Fun-enough bottle episode. I think the format was chosen to hi-light the new nuances in relationships within the core group, but maybe plot drive made messy some very necessary character-driven development.