Joshua Ryan Trout

I love the recent reviews. I love less talk about whether or not the show is "good" as if that's even possible to argue about, and more talk about the nature of story, the contrast between what we can enjoy and what makes sense. All much more in step with how I believe Twin Peaks is best experienced.

Thank you much! and wow! I completely did not notice and I have no idea what that change is about.

I assumed that the commercial for shovels plays during every Dr Amp broadcast but upon review(thinking) it seems much more likely that it is some kind of loop… so many things to rewatch tonight, i'd say i need a way to index episodes but that would depend on my knowing what the hell I'll end up being looking for!

I do recall yes, thank you. I was thinking maybe he went after the attempt on his life by The Spike? or that something else had to prompt his being taken. I have to look back and see why he finally got there, but it certainly took way too long is the idea.. it's so frightening to think "how long would it take me to be

Very encouraging to see someone who thinks themselves worthy of the screenname Mr. Jackpots be very very worthy indeed. Thanking you for your commentary.

I'm not loving it at all. It makes me really sad to think that there could be people who love Twin Peaks who are unable or unwilling to love The Return. It may seem silly but I'd be frightened to meet a person who loved S01-02 & FWWM but hates The Return; like, that they would be Dark Coop or whatever-Dianne-is etc.

I don't recall the customer positions switching at RR.. is it a subtle thing? I have noticed some shots that obviously indicate the passing of time in a conversation there, but nothing as blatant as the boxing match … if you happen to recall which episodes that may be in or during what event in story etc I would

Every male singer I've ever met myself included can sing in this style; some better than others - anyhow it is very common if apparently not widely popular or well-known.

This review is very, very good. Thank you kindly!

The way you say it is better; to many of my friends who haven't loved The Return I've said something like "do you find it at all interesting that nobody in Dougie's life has brought him to a doctor?" but from now on I'm going to redirect them to your comment.

But to me it feels like we're in on the "fucking with us" joke with Lynch.

Apparently not, in which case he's doing an excellent job!

Exactly. When we use this there's often a sloppy end, or what some colleagues and I call "corridor collapse" on occasion.

I've seen it used in that way and also when revisiting classic episodes of The Simpsons etc. To me it seems appropriate in the case of The Return as well.

I think you can go one of two ways with communications technology in your work. The one is demonstrated by placing your characters in the 1980s or 1890s or putting them in a cabin in the woods where there is no electricity and their phones die so that so can they. The other is to go nuts with it, as seen in Scream 4,

yes. she used mnemonic devices to memorize, that's what the appended "plus two" indicates. for example she might have internally done "co" ok there are 4 chords in my 2 favorite songs … then the last one, as she was doing it, the device didn't work because something was off by two numbers, and that became the mnemonic

Jordo, I stopped using twitter the day Gravity Falls ended. Since then I have never wanted to use it until I very strongly considered returning exclusively for The Return - I think I made the right decision, and yet…

(western USA hot/humid) I have never lived in a house or apartment without one, with exception of one year of on-campus dormitory at university elsewhere. I had never considered it could be a regional thing! How neat.

I believe the grading is designed to generate comments. AVC should have the decency to use "-" grade placeholder - as the sometimes do with other things -
for The Return. But they don't, and they aren't, and they won't. It still bothers me, but it helps to assume that that's exactly what they want, then react in

more popular yes, but not more beloved i don't believe. of course that is a subjective estimation on my part, and popularity is understandably more important to AVC than fan love or whatever.