
Still hot.

Where's Orgeon?

No one gives a shit.

Every time I eat Skyline it winds up on my shirt anyways.

I don't know much but I know she's hot.

Where's Wiz?

Jay-Z gets a 90 for creativity? Umm...

If I'm sword fighting with a woman it better end with sex.

We really don't need a Black Widow movie.

"Just have a seat right there..."

How is it that he's able to act differently around straight people but straight people can't act differently around gay people?

As a Braves fan, I get chills watching that video. Just amazing.

To be a Giant's commentator you'd think he'd use their correct form of "GOT HEEEEM!"

$2750 is actually not a bad price for a freaking life-sized action figure!

I had no idea the Easy-Bake Oven got up to 400°!!!

They're the reason we have purple camo. Fuck the Ravens.

I have a 2 year old who I worked extensively to get him to throw and write left handed.

Oh to be a man again.

Poor guy.