
This doesn't make me respect the character. It makes me think that they're treating this character as a joke.

I expected to see candy bar wrappers and soda cans.

I honestly thought he was having a seizure after getting doused.

Perfect casting.

House of Cards does the best job with texting on screen that I've seen. It makes me want to read them whereas most movies with text or texting on screen just makes me wish they would read it aloud.

click bait.

Megadeth > Metallica.

Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool. [The first 30 mins of Wolverine: Origins]

Bob, is that you??

Not sure he realizes how close he was to dying while making this catch.

Can't wait to get no-scoped by a flying soldier. :(

I went to a signing at Turner Field and Klesko did this the entire time.


I'm a middle school pastor so I often have people thinking that I do nothing or that I'm a glorified babysitter.

Trust me I'm not bragging.