
I used to read about Bjork’s shenanigans and think “wow, that’s cool.” Then I’d read about Gaga and think “ok...weird, but whatever.” Now I read about this and by the end of the article I’m not so much thinking anything, as I am realizing that my face is involuntarily doing this strange kind of Clint Eastwood thing.

Is this the new Dawes or something?

What? It’s Grimes! You never heard Spum? It’s all over the Instiglet! I swear you’d have to be Sub-Beta not to know this.

The main kid and the one who looks like him start fighting, because the main kids loves quoting all thing Bill Cosby and the chubby one quotes all the super homophobic bits from Eddie Murphy’s Raw, the other one gets really into Michael Jackson, and the other one comes back from vacation in the UK loving Jimmy

Stephen King’s Not It.

So I guess you watched every Stephen King and Steven Spielberg movie every summer

Nope. There is however a way you can mind your own business.
If said asian tinder matches feel uncomfortable with her, they definitely don’t need any of your help to get out of there.

Plus, and I can’t stress this enough, sex with a detestable person can be very, very good.

They are consenting adults. They don’t need

Indeed, it’s a disturbing trend popularized by young, modern authors like Shakespeare and Goethe.

The stigma against community colleges really, REALLY needs to fucking die.

ABC, make it stop already.

Not only that, but if her Dad wasn’t qualified(I don’t know either way) he could have served just as well joining the Navy and not going to the academy. Then the more deserving and less privileged applicant that’s spot was taken could have served their Country at the USNA. That is the point she doesn’t seem to get.

If only we could institute a 100% estate tax, these rich people could use those bootstraps that they seem to feel are so important.

This was the most Meghany Meghan yet. The topic had nothing to do with her family and she went right to how EVERYTHING is about her family - because her family has benefitted from legacy admissions for generations, and rather than just not mentioning it, she brazenly defended it.

What goddamn psychopath steals someone’s dogs???

...and they've been used.

Ant-Man and the Wasp did a mostly good job of hiding the effect; there were still a few moments where I half-expected Michael Douglas’s face to erupt into some Mass Effect: Andromeda-esque spasms. That shot of Samuel L. Jackson looks legit like SLJ from a quarter-century ago without hiding or covering for anything.

I’m also not so sure it’s true. Yes, a lot of the Marvel movies have that theme (Captain America’s stuff in particular) but...I feel like non of the Iron Man movies have that vibe nor do any of the Thor movies (except in the very broadest “oops I fucked up” sort of way). It’s a big theme for maybe four characters

You’ve dodged those Top Gun spoilers for a long time.

That’s how they plan to get the financing for Full Nelson.

“Our heroes are just like us, in that all wish they could go back in time.”