
I graduated in the late 90s and consent was never mentioned. Consent can’t really be discussed in an abstinence only curriculum.

I remember those days of old when there wasn’t a comment section too.

I'm still standing!

I'm still standing!

Goodnight and good luck!

But does he have the courage to eat a hotdog?

Is AVACADO going to survive the kinjacolypse? If so I need to figure out how to navigate over there again.

Man, I must have missed that episode of Gilligan's Island.

*goes to Walmart, picks up bb gun off shelf, shot dead by police*

Not really. You don't want to set a precedent of honoring twitter rants as actual orders.

Super Butter Dog DX

Uhhh, shouldn't you have been excluded from the jury that second time considering you knew the accused?

To be fair, Loving v. Virginia was decided a year before the Fair Housing Act was enacted.

The letter is fake, but the struggle is real.

binders full of women?

Internet anonymity isn't a thing. It's a myth that deserves to be busted. We should accept that if you don't practice good INFOSEC, some day, somebody is going to pierce the veil. So behave accordingly. If you are putting on a persona, be open and real about it. Don't use the same username across multiple social

They didn't threaten to destroy his life. They threatened to link his internet persona and irl persona. It shouldn't be a problem for him if they both match up. If he is a racist and an anti-semite irl then what is he concerned about? He should be honest about who he is. We are what we pretend to be, so we must

CNN's job is to sell eyeballs to advertisers. They are free to do that any way that they want. You might not agree with how they accomplish it but CNN could care less because you aren't writing the checks.

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