
Tough. There is no safe space for spewing racist bullshit. Welcome to the panopticon.

That's why we have Netflix in my house. Teach my kids to complacently think, "Oh that show? I'll get to it someday…" and the BOOM! That shit just disappears, never to be seen again for 3-4 months.

.— . / …. .- -.. / - —- / … . -. -.. / - . .-.. . —. .-. .- — … .-.-.- / … - —- .—. .-.-.-

Which is fine. The slaughterhouse segment is pretty horrific, but it's true to life and that level of operation is necessary to feed meat to the world. Of course, if the animals are sentient (which is heavily implied about the super pigs), then we are talking holocaust levels of evil.

Totally disagree. That was not a happy ending. My kid was bawling about the factory farm scene till she went to bed and has now sworn off meat.

The minority market is too small. Easier to market a second or third gun to scared white men.

Have you never played a Persona game before? I found P5 to be the least grindy of the lot. This may be the first Persona where I maxed all of my skills in the first run through and I still had time to max out all but 4 of the social links.

People that think there is such a thing as a perfect, 100% translation that doesn't sacrifice context, flow, etc. obviously have no idea what a pun is or how they work.

Sponge had a couple of other hits too though (Plowed, Wax Ecstatic). But to keep this rolling:

Every side? There's just two sides, front and back, with a hyperreal map being cycled and recycled over the surface by martian moonmen just like a wraparound background in a Hanna-Barbara cartoon. Spherical bodies are a intergalactic conspiracy!

And you'd be right. A very large column of turtles.

The sun is a flat circle just like every other celestial body.

It turns out M. Night Shyamalan was Allen Smithee the whole time.

And autistic…

Never going to happen, man. Water was his weakness, remember?

I've toured cities I used to live in with Google street view.

I hear the shooter just really wanted the Democrats to win this game.

This is just slave morality. These guys run the US. They should be held to the master morality, and be judged on the results of their actions and inaction. People are getting shot at all across America and it is these guys fault for not passing sensible gun laws and ensuring adequate enforcement of the gun laws

Dan's advice: roleplay it with a sex worker.

*starts furiously scribbling a plot outline for Taken: Season 2*