
It can be two things.

I was also disappointed that after transformation he was just 1.5 times bigger and with no visible change in the hairiness of his knuckles. Denis really oversold the Beast.

Cloaks were mercilessly mocked like the poor maligned snuggie.

So I just finished Futaba's tomb and I'm still digging the rebel against authority and reform society aesthetic of the game. But the ending as described is sounding like a bait and switch, promising societal reformation but instead promoting escapist fantasy? So what kind of ending are we looking at here exactly?

I think the guy's issue is a lack of life experience. He doesn't know how to reconcile his capabilities, values, and desires. The dude craves cock but values monogamy and isn't capable of breaking things off with his gf because he cannot accept his nebulous dissatisfaction as a valid reason to do so.

That's always been the case. Our governor got elected based on the premise that his job as Texas Attorney General was to wake up and sue the federal government. Nobody cared that most of his cases were lost or dismissed.

He'll get the star whackers right on it.

Isn't that just the ending of Our Town all over again?

I think there is something moronic about how "freedom fry" loving Americans have all of a sudden come to embrace the French culture when it is a symbol of everything that they despise.

I dunno. I've seen the switch from perpetual war with socialism to perpetual war with terrorism. Each time it seems our alliances have flip-flopped.

No such thing as french culture? Tell that to the black beret wearing, chain-smoking existentialists drinking espresso at outdoor cafes.

It definitely works as drama, milking the lost lenore trope for all its worth, but it's a very dangerous topic to cover if the psychologists are right. Personally I disagree with them and think that all of hand wringing about this series is bullshit. But hey, my job security doesn't depend on casting the suicidal as

Can you explain your comment per American censorship? What kind of stuff does Norway's porn industry got going on that America's does not?

I dunno, I hear conflicting reports about a cassette tape revival. On the one hand you have print media outlets like Fast Company (… ) and Rolling Stone (… ) trying to convince people that cassettes aren't a dead form. On the other hand you have statistical

Sounds like the old François Truffaut truism: There’s no such thing as an anti-war film.

Same here. Between the fact that that every preview before the movie was for another animated children's movie and that they screened the movie at the wrong aspect ratio cutting off the bottom half of the subtitles I got the impression that theaters do not understand anime audiences.

There was a preview for it at the screening of Your Name that I went to. In fact every preview at that screening was for animated children's movies, which seemed odd for a movie with a running gag about a character feeling themself up every morning.

Wasn't the big complaint about those Attack on Titan live action movies that they yellow-washed the cast?

They could have really upped the stakes and killed Clarke, except no one is as developed of a character as her. Bellamy might have come close if they hadn't handled his massacre and redemption so poorly. Maybe they could have had her enter the chamber and come out with an ultimately fatal but longterm prognosis.

Abby busting the chamber was a load of bull. Sure character wise she should have tried but everyone in that room should have put a stop to it.