
Station 3: The Swan

Right? I mean they had no problems subduing Murphy, Emori, and Luna at nearly the same time but when Abby does something selfish everyone just looks on dumbfounded.

You sure it wasn't just another storefront church?

Haha, jokes on them. I only browse the AVClub at work!

She won the popular vote and still lost Texas so definitely my vote for Jill Stein hurt no one.

You know some alien life just wants the thrill of hunting the most dangerous game. They're trophy hunters.

Thanks for mocking my playlist, assholes.

Or a shift in game design to more open world environments.

I saw BR before I read the book and I thought the movie did a good job of economically conveying the personalities and motivations of each kid. The book seemed too wordy and bloated by comparison. The one thing I found ironic was that the crazy car chase climax of the book did not make it to film. (It probably

That's funny as hell because the last I ever heard from Rosanne she was being interviewed on Democracy Now.

Yeah? Well what is an -ism to do then, huh?

Too bad. It sounds like this solution is more expensive and less environmentally sustainable than my current regimen.

Bespoke condoms? Do you have to wash them out or are they disposable?

Can we blame the emphasis on the moneyshot in porn for this?

Crabs in the pot.

I've seen that escalator ride.

It can be two things. The Japanese aren't exactly racial progressives. Just look at FFVII's Barret Wallace.

I doubt that the ark had much space for dead weight so everyone should have a useful skill or trade. All you would need to do to have a fair lottery is to run a monte carlo simulation until the results lead to an adequate mix of those talented people.

Richie Rich was just rebooted on Netflix. It's garbage. The only thing I approve of is how tarted up Irona is.