
I totally forgot last weeks preview so when the time team said they were going back in time to hook up Lucy's mom and dad I thought they were going to Valentine's day the shit out this episode.

Really? When did Indonesia get a Disneyland?

So where should a person go to donate or look for secondhand porn? Asking for a friend.

Oh but it will be. Rebecca moves to the carnage fillled streets of Chicago to avenge her friend Enid, who was brutally kidnapped, raped, and murdered on the School of the Art Institute campus.

Well it was in keeping with how that woman thought nothing of creating a copy of herself to be her own personal slave. Or how Hugh Jackman thought nothing of drowning his doubles in The Prestige.

Hillary already had all the votes she needed to win. Just not in the right places. It wouldn't have been an issue if Hillary had bothered to campaign in the rust belt.

I think I could mix it up with his daughter and his wife, too.

Hey just because he abandoned his fundie religion doesn't mean he abandoned his fundie cultural mores.

I always go to my local League of Women Voters website to see their voter guides. They ask a few general questions of each candidate and record their responses in the guide.

Well Sinatra better hurry up with that stacked deck and break Trump's conditioning. It's over Trump! We're tearing out all the wires! That King of Spades has no more control over you!

A pissing contest between minority groups is a terrible idea. We need more unity and less strife. But ranking to resolve priorities for addressing the issues can be useful.

Bullshit. Justin Long was a doctor and an idiot. Dax Shepard was a lawyer and a moron. Poverty was clearly eliminated in the future shown in Idiocracy. So I don't think you can make that claim "poverty=stupidity in Idiocracy" without explaining it.

Can we really be sure it's largely all true? It took 10+ years for the Satanic daycares bs to subside.

Yeah, I mean, wouldn't it be horrible if Corey Feldman was subjected to the same backlash as Bill Cosby's victims have?

I've never heard of Kiss Anime. I might try it. I stream from Crunchyroll and but very few of the shows that air these days catch my interest. I was this close to buying a VHS of Venus Wars (dubbed) that I came across at Goodwill. If it's pre-digital, and not considered a classic, then how else would I

Do they have access to everything ever made though? Where do I go to watch Project A-Ko now? It's most definitely out of print and every video rental store has closed up. Where do you go to stream 80s-90s anime?

You're missing a couple ads for ambulance chasers and payday loansharks.

Of course we all do.

Just think though, if she weren't a survivor this awkwardness could have ended a long time ago.

It is very weird to anyone with an understanding of the military economy. You would expect at least some of the long term federal employees to be "living on the economy". Considering the proximity to the base, Hawkins should be a military town with a military town economy. Everyone working at the base has a life