
I hated Mike's dad so much I expected he'd be revealed as a scut level worker at the Hawkins/DoE Lab. Does anyone else think it's weird that no one from town seems to work there?

My daughter made the same point, it feels very much like a movie. It was definitely made to be binged because I cannot imagine watching it as a weekly serial without recaps at the start of each episode.

Sure would have been good to have Mike make a call back to that story though before he made the jump.

Trump supporters will become disaffected with the republican party. Seeing their influence failing, and realizing that their control of the House will soon be short lived, Republican party officials will attempt to win back support by appointing Trump as the Speaker of the House. In a shocking twist, President

So you mean like, Adam Goldberg?

And be a simple kind of man.

But is she getting paid in dollars or Deutschmarks?

Or from the less charitable point of view: While you grew up they just grew older.

Pretty sure the guy who created the advice column called "Hey Faggot" (now known as "Savage Love") is probably a little anti-pc.

Did you just recently watch the movie Dope too?

Yeah. I'd definitely be unnerved to be asked anything by the nutcase getting secret messages from the tv telling him to kill.

Is that the question?

Well of course he is.

Then burning them to cd-rom.

Clearly dude didn't understand symbolism. If books are marginalized you shouldn't draw attention by burning them because fire is cool. His firemen should have been recyclers. Market their service to remove books and shelves to install wall-sized tv screens.

Black Mirror also did a wall-sized tv horror story.

Note: Poochie Cameron died on his way back to his home planet.

You mean the whole stuffing an avacado in your pants thing was a joke?

When you drop the victim mentality you will become a survivor.

People should write their own scripts instead of following someone else's. People should know that they can say no, that if they can leave an uncomfortable situation then they should leave, that no one has to give in to peer pressure or other social control. Most importantly, learned helplessness shouldn't be taught.