
I used to think it was just a dull, unfun day that ended in unpleasurable sex. It was something that I didn't enjoy, but something that I could at least learn how to avoid. But now I know better. I'm perfect in every way, so any bad things that occur to me are all other people's fault. There was nothing I could

Oh my God, Saramis! You are so right! Your comment has finally helped me to realize that I too am a victim. For the past five years I have been showing up at this place and for eight hours strait people try to guilt me into doing work. (ETA This continues to this day and I only share this cos even though I haven't


Yes. Chocobos. Gotta be chocobos.

They've at least outlasted Blockbuster and Borders.

Not surprised they don't take them anymore, but I still see about 8 or 10 of them for sale when I'm in their stores.

Go to Goodwill.

I have quite a few right-wingers in my family and they all seem perplexed and terrified that Trump is winning the nomination. My facebook feed is full of them complaining about it. But I'm thinking maybe they doth protest too much. Elections are by secret ballot. I'm thinking they are too embarrassed to admit they

Pocari Sweat.

Absolutely, but I always recommend the Battle Royale movie over the book since the book is pretty long (mostly in order to develop the necessary emotional attachment to make the deaths meaningful) and the movie successfully delivers that emotional impact more economically. The brisk pace that the movie sets is also a

Exclusives are made to move hardware off shelves. Those consoles and handhelds don't sell themselves! And then once a customer has married themselves to the hardware… Boom! Customer lock-in fool! Just try to defeat your sunk costs psychology. You can't do it. Might as well just buy all of your games to run on

I read them. They were light, meaningless quick reads. I found the first two movies to be very faithful to the book up to and including the lack of any serious themes or commentary. It fails to engage the reader with any serious themes because you cannot take the paper-thin characters seriously. It fails as

Did I fail to wax poetic about Shailene Woodley?

Any word on where Shailene suns her genitals? Asking for a friend.

Not really. The opportunity for offense was there but Suzanne Collins avoided putting bathhouse scenes into her Roman dystopia.

why would you want to moderate Mohd?

Plus she had just seen a Battle Royale bootleg and thought, "I could just crib this shit and make bs claims that my book/series has a MESSAGE!"

Damn. I thought it was going to end with Locke and Boone blowing open the hatch.

I love the Simple series! Such horrible cheap games.

Okage. Yeah that game was pretty weak. You are spot on about the character designs and goofy "affecting" story. But boy do those maps suck, just long flat sprawling maps. I had expecting more varied terrain for some reason (box art maybe?) but only the final dungeon or village had anything interesting going on.