
40 years of wondering in the desert will do that to your narrative.


Hating Grave of the Fireflies is a thing?

Gee, modern television must give you a lot of shit to be angry about. I guess cama, Isabel, et al. will not be satisfied until the entire tv spectrum contains only white, hetero, cis-male characters leading dull, successful, stress-free lives. Because God forbid a minority gets tied up in some DRAMA.


I hate to tell you this Chalupa Jack, but…

Are there torrents out there for Netflix series?

Its no big deal because that is what life was like in the 50s. And no one cared when this movie was made in the 80s because butthurt hadn't been invented yet. The internet ruined everything!

He's lucky he didn't break both his arms.

Didn't he read a section of it when he was a guest on Ask Me Another?

Well sure but essentially humanity is preserved for every person that never had to make that decision either. Really though, who knows what happens after that arm rises from the Earth. Maybe the old ones live by a better code than us. "Ape shall never kill ape"-like. Or humanity could rise from the ashes and push

"It is a real shame that all those hundreds of lives are mangled and torn asunder by the wheels upon the tracks but, dammit, I got to get to work!"

I dunno. It seems like a chaotic good victory. Humanity is wiped out but their humanity is preserved. Just like they say, maybe we deserve to be wiped out. Replaced by old ones, or apes, or cockroaches, ad infinitum. Maybe they will do it better. We'll make great pets.

Eventually the long tail will catch up with you. Given enough time, over seven billion people will end up being sacrificed to the cabin in the woods. Is it really any better that those deaths are spread out over time? Something must be done about the elder god menace!

Well I have to say a lifetime of slaying gods in jrpgs has probably skewed my reasoning on this issue. And finding an apt analogy in regard to sacrificing innocents is difficult considering human sacrifice isn't common practice in today's age. I guess a better analogy would be the trolley car problem. Except if we

I entirely disagree. Sacrificing these kids to placate the elder gods would be like Europeans shipping their Jews to Nazi concentration camps to placate Hitler. At some point, fighting a war against evil is the honorable choice even though people will end up dying either way.

You really need to be more honest about that central dilemma. They have to sacrifice at least five innocents on a repeating basis in order to preserve the human race. (I guess the assumption is that the schedule is about on par with the horror movie release schedule?) The fact that the horror syndicate built some

*notes that wo didn't specify which three*

Fiery Inflamation Arouser?

Guy Fieri Arouser?