joshua hardy carroll

No amount of post-show analysis will dissuade me from my belief that this was a first draft. Seriously some of the weakest storytelling since Westworld or season 2 of True Detective. Hawley was busy with Legion, and this was slapped together. Hate to say it, but he should have stopped at 2. This weakens his portfolio

It doesn't. But nothing in this does. There is no reason to go after Nikki if Ray is dead. This whole thing is just a disjointed mess that even a shamus like yourself can't untangle.

Green VW is straight out of Lebowski, as is the pan right to the stranger sitting in the bar. What a mess this is. It's like they filmed the notebook Hawley keeps by his bed. Lots of half ideas coupled with a complete disregard for character or logic. It reminds me of Westworld. Somebody filmed a first draft because

Major shark jump with unknown unmotivated cop with syringe and the sudden access Gloria has just in time to the locked cell, the discharge of the firearm and the the immediate availability on Christmas Eve of a bus to take a mixed group of prisoners (that happens to include Mr. Wrench, for some reason) to the state

Major shark jump with unknown unmotivated cop with syringe and the sudden access Gloria has just in time to the locked cell, the discharge of the firearm and the the immediate availability on Christmas Eve of a bus to take a mixed group of prisoners (that happens to include Mr. Wrench, for some reason) to the state

Um. WWI, not II. You're not much of a history fan, I suppose.

Pretty sure it was Chuck's genuine remorse that triggered the plea deal, not Jimmy's crocodile tears. Nice touch is that Mike didn't lie to the Sonoran receptionist when he said he was there for "the revenge."

The Moon's a Balloon is not a novel, it's David Niven's star-studded autobiography in which he breezily recounts his friendships in Hollywood with men like Cary Grant and Bogart. There's a great anecdote of how he got thrown out of Sandhurst for drunkenly crashing a costume party by grabbing up a goatskin rug and then

Wait. No mention of Better Call Saul or Fargo? Yet the dual monstrosities of Girls and The Americans get full mention? What about the Leftovers?

Yeah, you're wrong dude. Go do some more bongs and maybe you won't be so yelly.

See? That wasn't so hard. Bravo for trotting out a line or two of legitimate critique. Did you look up "bicameralism?" You ever see Sally Field in Sybil? What about Fight Club? The Bicameral Mind theory is something Dawkins said was either genius or bullshit. I opt for the latter, but hey… I'm a CONTRARIAN.

I'm not upset with people liking the show. I'm upset that HBO isn't putting more pressure on its creators to write better scripts before greenlighting bullshit. Vinyl was a huge disappointment after Boardwalk Empire. This show is touted as a successor to GOT, but it's nowhere close. That's why I'm here. My point is

Dude, seriously? You ever read No Exit? Three people, an empty room, existence precedes essence. Why am I arguing with you? It sound exactly like the self-centered drivel some poorly read American kid would write about that. Also again, you don't defend your point. This is getting to like arguing with a toddler about

I thought so. It was overly complex and neglected to retain tension or interest. Stripped of its gimmicks, it's a crappy combination of 2001, Ex Machina and Terminator 2 with extra helpings of leaden dialogue like “You think the grief will make you smaller inside, like your heart will collapse in on itself, but it

Hey, I like an argument. I have opinions, sure, and I like to back them up with specific examples. I like to compare and contrast ideas.

Oh god please no. I hope they do what they did with Vinyl and kill this thing before they start to think it's okay to throw a hundred million at a shit story with famous names and think they are making a classic.

We know exactly what Ed Harris looked like 30 years ago. He looked nothing like William. Nothing. Are we supposed to forget that? They youthed Hopkins up, didn't they?

JJ Abrams eats hash and then locks himself in a room with a tape recorder. He should be barred on the same island where they exiled George Lucas: the island of NEVER WRITE ANYTHING AGAIN AND NO WE DON'T WANT YOUR FUCKING STORY NOTES

While we're on the subject, what do the guests eat when they're in the boonies? Are the critters real? Is there a zookeper that maintains stocks of antelope and cattle? And how exactly are these androids powered? There's a lot of energy being expended. They have blood, sure, but do they have batteries? And the flies,