joshua hardy carroll

I'm not offended. Just annoyed. The concepts don't elude me. i see them, but I don't find them especially engaging. I am clearly not alone in my viewpoint. I have the same criticism for the endlessly successful (and thus endless) string of Marvel Universe movies.

Jonathan Nolan has spent too many years surrounded by people telling him what a genius he is. It would probably help him to read a book every now and again, but maybe not. He's too busy being a genius.

I disagree with you and provide examples. You disagree with me and provide opinions with no examples (except the example that what I call theme you call plot, since your example was exactly the same). Now you transition to a quasi-insult. This looks eerily familiar in this election year. I won't convince you. You

Yeah, I think I'd go with "magic" and leave it at that. If it's a magic trick, it was boring as hell. They could kill off everybody and I wouldn't care. Oh wait. They did. And I don't.

Robots achieve consciousness through suffering and then get mad. There, happy now? As far as the plot, there was none. Ford's new narrative was to commit public suicide and have all the robots kill the board? Or the William the Man in Black wants to find the deeper game in which guests get hurt or killed? This is the

Gilligan's Island has a theme too. The Wire had a theme. Breaking bad had a theme. This show's theme is that robots learn through suffering and then get mad. Break out the champagne.

They sort of explained it, but not really. Guests can be strangled at pummeled by hosts. The whole idea of the attractions of endless violence are pretty fucked up by any standard, but the creators didn't adhere to any of the logic they supposedly put forward. Do the guns fire bullets, or are the hosts all set up with

It was obvious to me. The logo was different in the other narrative. The Bernard/Arnold thing was less obvious, but I figured it out. All of it seemed like a bunch of gimmicks strung together. There's not theme, no greater truth, no big picture. It's all hat and no cattle.

I was intrigued by the visuals and the concept of nascent AI beings discovering their world. After all, that's what made Mr. Data, the Iron Giant, Rick Deckert and the Ex Machina robot so intriguing. But Jonathan Nolan took a page from his brother's playbook and thought that constructing an impenetrable Chinese box of

Leaderless androids on a killing spree using Old West guns. Whoopee.

No tension at all. Just really crappy writing. When they wrote themselves into a corner, they'd just leave it. That happened over and over again. I was bored most of the time. Injecting Radiohead into the scene doesn't give it emotional depth, but it does stand as a metaphor for how the whole show has been done. A

I'm sorry, but all this parsing of the storyline reminds me of music students taking a late period jazz musician's drunken solo and ascribing to it flights of brilliance it just doesn't have. This show was all pitch and production with no engaging characters or story. The plot was a fucking mess, with random elements

I concur. I watch these spectacles and wonder why they spend so little on their scripts. I mean, the story was originally penned by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko for 14-year-old boys who had an extra couple of dimes. The effects are truly stunning…for a while. Then it becomes kung fu gravity battles in MC Escher/Inception

Keith's unkind nickname for prissy Mick. Brenda wants this, Brenda wants that.

Holy smokes. Don't this is another violent African American man raping and killing a white woman over the drugs he fronted her. As much as J.D. Williams is bringing all his old Bodie to the set, I am disheartened that this is where they're going with this. The fact of our obscenely racist "justice" system's penchant

Arya takes a page from the Cartman playbook. She looks like the kind of girl who would dig South Park.

My favorite Paltrow opening is in Contagion where they saw open the top of her skull and flop her scalp over her face like a hoodie. I wish all her movies had a scene like that. I still wouldn't watch them, but it'd be cool.

Yeah, the music was great, but you know the rule. Music plays, everybody you can see in the shot is gonna be DEADDDDD.

Andy Warhol's Frankenstein. Of course, I was on acid. Maybe it was the acid. But I don't think so.