Joshua Johnston

Oh, I definitely agree with you there. I was just pointing out that not *all* his takes on the genre are bright and idealistic, he’s certainly capable of it and has created some truly amazing stuff that fits that mold exactly. Grant is even particularly adept at mixing up both styles, with things like Multiversity and

I don’t think Snyder completely missed the point of Watchmen, but I do agree that it wasn’t the kind of movie that could really deliver on its deeper premise and cynicism in the format it was adapted to. I still feel like the core elements were pretty well done, but the subtext was really easy to miss and hard to

The problem there was Zack Snyder. He was great for adapting things like 300 and even Watchmen, which I will defend as a pretty damn good version of the “unfilmable”, but he was exactly the wrong person to do mainstream DC characters justice, and this was evident from the very first teasers released for Man of Steel.

his depictions of superheroes are uniformly bright, virtuous and iconic.

I think they did the best they could within the constraints of series television. I’d love to see them do better, but everything from the needs of individual show story arcs, right through financial wrangling to keep the books clean (intermixing characters, plots, effects, etc. is messy from what I understand)

The problem is that they simply won’t hire the comics writers to do the movies. Why they just don’t get Mark Waid to write a Flash script, I will never fucking understand. The only reason I can honestly accept for why DC never *does* this, would be if the writers actually said no.

Unpopular opinion of the day: Buy a Buick Lacrosse V6.

That seems almost too basic for him at this point, now that he’s gone full helicopter I think he’s gonna have to up his game. Either that or play the complete opposite direction and drop an E30 shell on top of it. 

The only thing that matters about this announcement is what Speedycop is going to do now.

I have to admit I like Hurk, because he reminds me of a few people in particular that I went to college with. He’s just the right kind of idiot that you might happen to want around when things go stupid, because you know he’ll be the first guy to run in and start some shit so you can sneak around and do what really

You just reminded me of my late grandmother, she was in her 80's and loooooooooved to take 30 items into the 10 item or less lane, because “What are they going to do, yell at an old woman? Ha!”

Because I don’t *have* to wait 10 minutes if the person in front of me isn’t being an inconsiderate idiot. If I have to wait 10 minutes because someone is doing things in an efficient and considerate way - fine, that’s perfectly acceptable. It’s when people decide that their convenience outweighs that of someone else

No. I have places to be, and I don't want to sit waiting for your inconsiderate ass to dawdle through life. 

I’m going to be the guy who says it.

One thing I suspect is that people who get into streaming have a higher possibility of being somewhat socially maladjusted, or a higher need for personal validation and the idea of fans idolizing them trips the wrong wires in their heads and sometimes it manifests in pretty horrific ways.

I definitely feel like they capture Murray pretty perfectly, but ... I guess I’ve always felt weird when I rewatch the movies because as I’ve gotten older, Venkman just really registers best in small doses which is a place where the comics really seem to hit the mark. I definitely “hear” all the characters pretty

Agreed, 100%. I’m a huge fan of the various IDW Ghostbusters comics, and have long felt like they did a great job of getting into the heads of the various characters in ways that feel completely fitting and multidimensional.

My thoughts exactly, I definitely see and appreciate the Forte Koup take on this concept.

I’ll disagree here, because President Annoying Orange knows plenty about capitalism, most notably he knows how to exploit it for his own gains while screwing everyone else that does business with him. A true capitalist if there ever was one.

How does that same argument not apply to capitalism? Everything it does is under threat of a gun as well, it’s just that the gun is aimed at different people in different ways.