Joshua David

Racism and privilege. That’s why Trump has support.

But to me, it is a stretch (not crazy, a stretch) to assume that a person who has already made a lot of money through this gambling method could only have possibly won with shared lineup data.

Look, I get it, it’s a bad look. But if you want to constantly have marshals at the ready to run on the track and get debris, once in a while they'll get caught on the track when they shouldn't be. It's just the pryce you have to pay.

Al Michaels and Cris Collinsworth assured me that the NFL is taking concussions very seriously.

God, shut the fuck up.

How many #12 “FAN” jerseys do you own? Be honest.

Agree with A.I., haven’t seen The Pianist, Memento and Boyhood not good enough to waste energy defending, but vigorously disagree on Melancholia and especially Tree of Life.

Making a distinction between Caster Semenya and “normal women” is very gross.

Thank god you’re here to give the results of your scientific eye test!

Totally the same, broseph. Good take.

Sit on a fire poker, cockstain.

Then it’s probably your fault if something happens to you right? Dipshit.

Punch yourself in the face, then shut up forever.

Holy hell, the NBC Sports app is a piece of shit across every platform I’ve used it.

But Rocky wasn’t!

My uncle is much funnier than you and also not an insufferable cockstain.

To be fair, Yuliya Efimova has been busted for doping twice, and her country was caught running a massive state-sponsored doping operation, so Lilly King may have a point.

Has anyone here been watching Match Game? I believe I’ve watched Leslie Jones’ episode about 1000000000000000000 times.