Joshua David

Hendricks and tonic. I’m more of a Tanqueray man but who am I to comps I about gin?

Curt Schilling needs help! Thinks Hateful Donald Trump is the answer but Traitor Donald needs even more help-SAD!

I choose to believe this is real, and I refuse to do any research into its veracity.

If we’re talking submissions, I’m partial to the Crippler Crossface, though it’s lost its luster (for good reason!).

The only problem is that Rob Van Dam had the market cornered on literal kicks to his opponents.

But how's your conscience going to be doing when Trump nominates his third Judge Whitey McTRAP-law to the Supreme Court?

Only sports that have impartial scoring systems are actual sports. Judges are for dog shows.

As a Dolphins fan, I have no sympathy for you.

I’m partial to the LWo myself

nobody cares clown

With the headline, I was expecting to see highlights for the Bulls.

Born in 1982 - first real memory is Super Bowl XXIV (1990 - Broncos/49ers; I also remember being very confused at why the 1989 World Series was delayed, because it was in the TV guide but it wasn’t on TV.

Your life must literally have zero problems. Good for you!

“My dear lady,” Mr. Steward said, “Do you really think you knew Buddy Ryan?”

“I know a lot about cars. I can look at a car’s headlights and tell you which way it’s comin’. Heheallright.”

Yeah, this question is just mean.

The Marlins beating the Yankees in 2003, or the Giants beating the Patriots in 2008.

This is such a pathetic trope the right has latched onto. Sweden defines rape very broadly and victims are much more likely to report, because their claims are actually taken seriously. Sweden’s “rape problem” is higher numbers because they actually handle rape in the right way.

I'm a socialist but this is goddamn funny

As an Oregon fan, please stop.