
Sometimes, maybe it’s good to be boring, as long as you are presenting *good policy ideas*. People will come around if you can sell your policies well.

WA resident here and I am with you. His record is good and he is popular here.

*Netflix launches a team of lawyers at Kevin Spacey's house*

This is all a ruse. Trump only wants Ivanka to be the chief of his sta-

Here ya go. Mobil pina colada stand stuck on race course.

The bus weighed 35,000 lbs, not 35 tons. Arkansas DOT or the local media flubbed that one. Still overweight for the bridge, but not as comically so.

“She was a punk”

That sort of thing has been happening throughout human history.

I’d say Franken resigned over lesser offenses. Not saying he was right, but he wasn't pulling women's clothes open and I don't recall anyone saying they thought Al Franken would rape them 

I want more global warming, I enjoy long summers

a frank and well mannered criticism of a public servant by a member of the public, the frothing incivility of the lefty libtards knows no bounds

There’s a point in life where you just need to stay away from the low-hanging fruit, and I’ve reached it here.

No schist! That’s a gneiss one.

It just needs... that guys leg.

You should realize that many not rich Seattle residents opposed this tax because we have supported plenty of taxes in the past and they have been mismanaged as fuck. Durkan & co. need to put forth an actual plan FIRST and then we’ll talk money.

Wow. For rich people, yes.

Huh. An article about a movie that doesn’t and never did exist. That’s new. What an interesting thought experiment about how freakin terrible such a third Alien movie would have been.

Wow go fuck yourself for that last line. You sound exactly like Trump right now.