
Just lean in close to the sink! I vastly prefer it to dumping out an ash bin of my hair like with previous electric razors. Little water to wash it away and my lazy ass looks groomed.

Just lean in close to the sink! I vastly prefer it to dumping out an ash bin of my hair like with previous electric

Agree with the other posters but I wanted to expound on the difference between the two. The first game is buggy and a bit rough gameplay-wise but in my opinion has an absolutely awesome Star Wars story that I wish we could have gotten as an in canon film. It’s still really fun but expect to be frustrated by certain

I think Mattis and Tillerson have to be losing their damn minds trying to figure out a way to communicate to the tiny handed one that he’s seriously impeding our military by siding with the Saudi’s on this. It’s nuts, Qatar is not a sponsor of foreign terrorism. That’s a load of bull, they are probably the most

I am still completely baffled by the dumb Cheeto’s stance toward Qatar. They have been a key ally in the US’s (stupid series in my opinion) actions in the middle east and are the home to literally the most important strategic base in the Persian Gulf. During my military service I visited Al Udeid AB on a weekly basis

This is an accurate depiction.

A literal turd would be better than him. OP’S got a point.

God bless you Shep but your shit is going to be equated as long as it gets inserted between every damn story on those sites. Good luck and Godspeed I guess.

God bless you Shep but your shit is going to be equated as long as it gets inserted between every damn story on

A Datsun in 1600 isn’t worth it. Michelle needs to divorce this bum and move on with a Z guy.

I bought the razor for $17 and it is the worth the full 30 bucks! That thing works and is awesome!

I bought the razor for $17 and it is the worth the full 30 bucks! That thing works and is awesome!

Lol, I’ve heard them argue the exact opposite for a woman who was worried her sister would break her car if she didn’t disengage her overdrive (4th gear on a Subaru transmission) while braking. Those guys are usually pretty solid but they seem to get carried away with debates sometimes.

I know right? Amtrak and the state just spent $190 million over the last few years prepping that new line. It was funded out the wazoo. Yet another in a long line of moronic inappropriate statements from señor tiny hands.

Hmm, we have wild dolphins show up on occasion in Puget Sound. Its not common but it happens. Orcas and porpoises are more common obviously. I have no idea how the cooler temps would affect them, Orcas seem to be happy moving between warm and cold waters.

Oh my. I live in the general area of Seattle, I drive by Starbucks HQ on a daily basis. Us latte sipping assholes had nothing to do with either of these caloric monstrosities. I feel the need to defend myself, fuck you AGAIN Howard Schultz!

2+2, gah my eyes! Why? Why would you pick the hump backed abomination version of what is otherwise a gorgeous coupe? Card carrying 240Z veteran here.

I will never not laugh at a grown ass confederate flag toting Barbie jeep driver eating shit. That’s good schadenfreude right there Bubba!

Hmm, I find her comments not quite going with the current of my natural thoughts but she isn’t really victim blaming. This sounds like someone who has been through some shit and learned from it. I’m not going to condemn her for this specifically, Assange is another matter...

34 here and I do not. I have run into guys who do sling it around and it immediately makes me want to end the conversation. Its disrespectful in my opinion.

I figured Thor would just play the video of Nat for him again. Thor was on board with him not Hulking again, Banner was the one who decided to swan dive to faceplant to Hulk out there at the end. I felt it was fine because he chose it.

I had heard about allowing women to drive but for fucks sake, does that really deserve a pat on the back!? Shit was draconian 50 years ago. I feel like SA modernizing should be met more with “it’s about fucking time” than “good job! here’s an award.” I guess I shouldn’t be so negative but this shit chapped my hide

Whoa, what did the Saudi dude do to jump out to such a huge lead. I know the Kingdom has been swinging its weight around with regards to Syria, Yemen and Qatar but I wouldn’t imagine Time’s reader base would be super invested in Arabian peninsula politics.