Josh Salaam

Add Kevin Draper to the list.

If there’s never been a 3-5 triple play in the history of baseball, that’s pretty cool.

And he flipped his abortion stance just in time!

Representative is not Governor or President or any other position where it’s customary to continue using the title once an individual leaves office.

MSNBC, literally, has no shame.

This is, without a doubt, a great thing.

Their open marriage—if true—doesn’t excuse Bill Clinton from making unwanted sexual advances:

It’s ironic you accused me of defining words (I didn’t) yet you turn around and actually do that very thing.

I wish I had something more constructive to say than I’m sorry to hear it and I hope, somehow, someway, things improve.

If you take his/her story at face value, he/she held a good-paying job, got fired illegally, is now forced into a humiliating living situation from which there is no immediate escape regardless of effort/determination and your reaction is “eat all of the dicks.”


“That’s America. It just fucking is. Good/bad/indifferent. “Change Now!” people drive me nuts.”

Yeah, I get it—people who want change drive you nuts.


And I repeat:

Oh no, I’ve got the hint.

Well, that’s not encouraging news.
