Josh Rosenfield

Makes sense, assuming that POV characters start coming together in large groups in the next two books.

"Sell me this pen."

The killer also flipped the bailiff over onto the antlers. Gillian Anderson is awesome, but she's not exactly a bodybuilder. Hell, I had trouble buying that Hannibal could throw Jack around in this season's cold open.

I assumed that he would show up in like a hallucination, though. Didn't the show pretty definitively say that he's dead? Although we never see exactly where Will shoots him, so it's not impossible.

It's time for a really avant-garde late night talk show. How about Late Night with John Cage? He comes out on stage at the beginning and just stands there for an hour.

I found the wide shots in this film a lot more powerful, in their emphasis of Theodore's isolation.

The consequences for Walt always affected other people, and the show was about forcing him to understand that. I thought it was kinda fitting that in the end, the last victim of his careless attempts to grab power was himself.

So Frank is basically a superhero now, right? The show goes out of its way to make sure that nothing hurts him and no one gets close to uncovering his secrets. That's fine for Season 1, but now we're 26 episodes deep and there's not a single scratch on his armor. It's called "House of Cards." It should've started to

I hate all the characters in Rent. I sided strongly with the guy who was trying to get them to move out. He was being very reasonable and they were being total douchebags to him. Also I don't understand why people like Angel. That character is introduced with a solo number about murdering a dog for money. That's

Peretti relies a lot on her mastery of deadpan delivery. She still mostly works for me. She's basically Carol/Cheryl, but low-key and (probably) not a sexual deviant.

I feel like that can almost work as a style of humor unto itself. The best lines in Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs are the ones where characters say exactly what they're thinking, and it's so deliberately wrong that it's hilarious.

That commercial was the first moment where the show reached Arrested Development-level humor. "Why go to jail for a crime somebody else…noticed?"

He likes to scramble the fairies.

I liked the constant kinetic energy of Sign of Three better, but the mind palace stuff in His Last Vow is A++ television.

It is really good. Maybe I was harder on Leviathan because it wasn't as successful as the Herzog version to me. I'll give it another chance.

I liked this movie when it was called Lessons of Darkness, had interesting imagery, and was good.

It's not hard for him to make a better movie than Hugo.

There's also a rumor that Tasha Lem was written as River, but Alex Kingston wasn't available. The way that the Doctor talks about her, it's totally plausible.

I disagree. I straight-up hated the Ponds' last five episode, but I really enjoyed almost all of Clara's.

It's also interesting that 10 went out saving the entire Earth, maybe even more, while 11 went out protecting a small, insignificant town full of normal people. Why? Because he cares more about them than himself.